Shotgun sling

Read good things. Don't own one yet but it's been in my wish list for a while. Let me know how it is if you pick one up.

Thanks for the replies. My shotgun doesn't have mounts for sling swivels so the loop webbing sling may work well especially if I can fit a pad on it. This is just for hunting.
The "need" for a pad on a shotgun sling depends on what you are wearing. If, for example, you are hunting in cool/cold weather and wearing long underwear, a thick and warm shirt, and an insulated vest or hunting coat, a padded sling is unnecessary. I've hunted deer in Iowa in December for many years with a shotgun and have never needed a padded sling. I have, however, always used a thin, small, adjustable sling which has been perfect.
You should spend the $5 and install sling swivels. It's not hard. The front bolt on the barrel should have a tapped hole in it or under the barrel. Then it's just a matter of drilling an undersized hole in the rear of the stock and installing.

Lots of videos online showing how to do it.
Been using a Sterling SMG sling on my 870 for eons. Makes me look 'tactical' as Hades. snicker.
Like Blindstitch says, you're going to need the swivels. And it's definitely not a difficult thing to do. The Uncle Mike's set runs $22.99 at Cabela's.
These are the sling swivels I get. Something like Uncle Mikes 2500.

And then take a dremel and shorten the threaded non wood screw to the short length for the mossberg 500.

Here's what the short stud looks like.

South Bend also makes a kit for about $4.50.

The wood screw is thicker but the sling attachments are total junk. But many slings come with attachments on it.
My shotgun doesn't have mounts for sling swivels so the loop webbing sling may work well especially if I can fit a pad on it. This is just for hunting.

Please help me understand.... BTW, I hunt deer in OH and have mountain/plains hunted deer, elk, and antelope...

What shotgun is this?

What is the "pad" for?

When hunting with a rifle, or shotgun, I prefer a 2 pt front slung carry method. First to balance the weight(with a backpack) and also to allow quick use. Last, most 2pt slings make a great hasty sling!
I couldn't tell you what brand or model that I got but I went to Walmart and held a few. I think the one I picked was about $15.

Back when a green web SKS slings were everywhere for just a few bucks, I bought a number of them. I then sewed sling swivels on then, a buckle for adjustment, and fashioned a slider from the same material or something similar.

Work just fine, though now after a few years, the briars have tatted the heavily used ones a bit.