Shotgun shells for the insane.

Except ror the felchett and the flamthrower rounds I think it's o.k.The chain mail and the razor blade will not do anything special.
If you want to shoot something out of your gun barrel that reaches 4000 degrees be my guest. I know a shooter who popped off one of the 12 gauge signal flares in his Model 12. The flare became caught just where the choke began and turned the metal cherry red. When it cooled down a grey ring was left in his barrel. That nice full choke Model 12 is now 3 inches shorter and has a cylinder choke.

If your are considering using them think about the reaction of the jury when the prosecutor brings up the Real Ammo web site when trying to put your butt in jail for what might otherwise be a legitmate case of self defense.

[This message has been edited by PJR (edited October 04, 2000).]
I was thinking for experimentation/fun purposes (although I don't have anywhere to shoot stuff like this).

Although you're right - this is less politically correct than an Ak-47. No sane person would CONSIDER this stuff as anything but toys.

(Except for that pepper shot - in case you need to season your food from 15 yards).

Seen this stuff for quite a while, it's as good at getting money from suckers as P T Barnum. And that's about all it's good for.

Standard 12 ga ammo is quite effective, and this stuff costs as much for 3 rounds as good social ammo costs for 15.

And I can hear some politically ambitious Asst DA now.....

"Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, it wasn't enough for the defendant to shoot the Victim with his Terminator Model Loudenboomer SP Magnum(previous word pronounced with at least three syllables),he felt justified in using this terrible weapon with specially made ammo, selected not only for its lethality, but ofr the pain and suffering it inflicts on its hapless victims".
I just checked that sight out.

The one load I loved was the "Tripple Decker"! The one "with three layers of large lead balls". $12.95 + $4.00 S&H ($16.95) for three rounds!!!!!

Gee whiz! What a deal! ;-)

Stay away from this crook!

Regards! DaMan

[This message has been edited by DaMan (edited October 09, 2000).]
I'd like to have the flamethrower rounds and try them out in my
side-by-side to toast wasp nests. Until now, I usually had to get some
pyrotechnical equipment, load it into shotshells and hope they'd
flame-throwerise the wasp nest.

If it was an option, I'd simply soak the wasp nest in gasoline and
shoot one .223 tracer into it. :D
Mussi, what's wrong with just using spray poison?

FWIW, I have seen a few .223 tracers fired into a gas tank, 2/3's full. Only thing it did was punch a hole thru. Didn't light it up.
A gas tank is more dangerous when empty.

It can only blow if exposed to a lot of air - hitting the gas in the tank put the "fire" out.

An empty tank on the other hand - the gas impregnates the metal and you'll always have the fumes in the tank - mixed in well with oxygen.

Knew a guy who was welding on an empty and washed-out gas tank. He's real old; but blind in one eye and the other has been on slow decline and eventually he'll lose the other.
