Shotgun Safety


New member
Hey fellas, got one for you here. I have a 4 year old son, who knows if he ever sees a gun to go tell mom or dad right away, even if its a toy. That said, who here thinks it would be safe/unsafe to leave shells in the buttcuff of my mossberg, with the mag and chamber unloaded in the bedroom closet. Is this asking for trouble? I dunno so I am asking you guys with kids. As of now I keep a box of shells in my top drawer, there is absolutly no way the kid can figure out where they go, as he has no clue what they are to begin with. Thanks a million......Opie
HHhhmm, probably more suited to Legal, but I'll give it a go here anyway.

There are two possible arguments that can be made on this particular situation. First, if your son does recognize and have the knowledge not to go near the gun without an adult's supervision, then you should have no problem. However, second, there could be legal ramifications if on the off chance something were to happen involving the shotgun and child. I am not familiar with Indiana law regarding the storage of firearms and ammunition with reference to a child, but in North Carolina it is a misdemeanor for anyone that has a child living with them to leave a firearm in a condition such that a minor may gain access and subsequently discharge it. So, between you and me no problem; between you and the law ????? I hope this wasn't significantly more confusing. ;)


Admit Nothing,
Deny Everything,
Make Counter Accusations

[This message has been edited by Medic (edited August 03, 2000).]
There's a few options here not yet brought up.

First, most closets have enough room at the top to keep a shotgun, get that Mossy up out of easy reach for starters.Floors are kids' territory,they're used to all their toys being on the floor. So get that thing up.

If you're tall enough to reach it, setting a rack over the closet door is a great, unnoticed place to stow a shotgun. From the outside, it's unseen, but readily accessible.

Second, a shotgun kept cruiser ready, chamber empty, action locked closed, safety on, full mag, is made ready in an instant by someone who knows what they're doing and very hard for kids and irresponsible adults to mess with. Whether or not you keep the piece loaded, keep that safety on and the action locked shut.

Third, there's triggerguard locks that are squeeze locks. An adult with normal hand strength can take them off quickly, but kids cannot.
My thoughts will be unpopular with some but hear them nonetheless. Don't take risks with your kids safety. There is nothing in this world worth that risk.

I was around guns my entire life. My dad taught me all the rules. He told me he would let me see and handle the guns whenever I wanted and he did. He told me that he would warm my britches if he caught me looking at the guns with out his permission. And, he would have. But, he never caught me. I knew where he hid the keys to the gun safe and sometimes when he was gone I got in to the guns just to examine them and touch them. I was a good kid--not in trouble much, honor roll, boy scout, etc.

And as for the top closet shelf, I'm raisng my third boy. Two out of three have known what's in every drawer of my room and on every closet shelf. They snoop. I periodically find my clothes hamper turned backward with the lid opening facing the wall because some boy has dragged it into the closet to climb on it and explore the top shelf. Don't take the chance.

I lock my guns when I'm not in the house. All guns have trigger locks and the guns themselves are locked. Remembering what I did as a kid, the keys go with me when I leave the house so my kids can't find them and practice what I believe is normal children's curiosity. (It's the same reason, I'm peeking in your medicine cabinet when I use your bathroom while visiting!)

The gun is either on me under my control or closely accessible, unlocked and ready, but out of plain sight when I am sleeping.

Be safe. Your kids are a precious gift. We want kids to be curious because it drives learning. Curiosity is a good thing and natural. But we need to not take unnecessary risks.


"Never turn your back on the crew."
Since you posed this question, I think that you already know the answer.

Leave nothing to chance when it comes to safety. You'll be able to sleep at night, and you won't worry when you're away from home.

NRA Life Member
Michigan Coalition for Responsible Gun Owners(MCRGO)
I agree with RHC! Peer pressure can be very hard to overcome when he has his friends over. Don't take a chance.......but you already know that!! ;)


Donnez-moi la liberté, ou donnez-moi la mort!
Thanks guys, I just wanted to see how others stored guns with kids in the house. I am thinking about one of those mossberg safes with the finger pads, I may just use that and my Glock 23 instead of keeping a shotgun accessable. I already knew about what I was gonna do, but wanted to see if anyone else had any ideas I over looked. Take care..Opie