Permanent Damage
You have it. You may not realize it, but you have it. If you have take an audiology exam before, take one now and there will be a slight difference in the high frequency range.
Since your hearing has returned to "normal", you were lucky only in the amount of damage you took. But you did take some damage. If you properly protect your ears from now on, you may go the rest of your life with no more hearing loss. Things like this are cumulative. Each time it happens, you recover less and less of your hearing. I know.
A lot of us older shooters have some degree of hearing damage, because we were not smart enough when we were young. As a teenager, I once had a "friend" fire a .30-30 with the muzzle about a foot from my left ear. He had a good laugh. I was able to return the favor later that day, with a .308 carbine. He didn't think that was funny. Needless to say, not only did I never shoot with him again, I would NEVER even think of doing that to someone today. But 35 years ago, I wasn't so smart.
Believe me, the last thing you want is to wind up with the word you say to your wife the most being "What?'
No joke. Not Funny!