shotgun comparisons

One day away from purchasing a Weatherby PA459 for home defense. Can anyone give me a reason not to buy this shotgun. Does anyone own one of these and can give me some feedback except to buy a Mossberg or Remington because this gun has not been out long enough to prove that it can be just as reliable as the two American made guns. I have read threads of people bashing this new gun and they dont even own one.
the two American made guns.
You answered your own question... Why buy an import clone gun when an American Made Gun is right there on the shelf? Would it be the proven track record of the clone import? The fine customer service if needed? Or the awesome parts availability in 2, 5, 10 or 20 years down the road when you need them quick?

But if you ask many here, I am just a redneck HATER of chinese and turkish import CLONES!!!

To be factual, I am not a hater... I won't expend the energy required to hate on a product I consider no better an investment than my cordless phone that works properly only 60-70 percent of the time... But since I DO NOT dial 911.. the phone is fine... for life or death situations and food gathering, I own and carry only American Made Products from reputable companies... for shot guns, I call Mossberg... and the lady on the other end speaks perfect english and knows right where to send my call...


In my opinion how much money so much music,
if you spend money on Browning, Beretta,or Benelli, or any high end gun you are fine.
But I don't think Mossberg is a hella of a shotgun or any China or Turkey gun made.
Just m.h.o.
With any gun you pay your money and take your chances. If you look you can find people that have had problems with any gun, Remington and Mossberg included. I usually wait on a new gun and let some one else test, if every one did that they would not be any new guns. Short answer is you have to make your own decision. I have sold or traded a lot of guns because they were a disappointment, but have also been pleasantly surprised with others. Good luck with your choice.
US made pumps have a proven track record, easy parts acquisition, a legion of smiths that have lots of experience, and tons of written techniana to guide us through the muzzy parts of maintaining and upgrading them.

The imports have none of those. Since prices for new imports and used US mades coincide, and since well made pumpguns have working lives measured in generations, I see little reason to buy imports.

FWIW, I've been married 33 years. I've two 870s here older than my spouse. 20K rounds or so just made them smoother.
Greetings spookybowl2000 and welcome aboard,

spookybowl2000 said:
I have read threads of people bashing this new gun and they dont even own one.

I must admit, I too have expressed caution when it comes to purchasing a newly introduced gun. Is this "bashing" or being prudent? Recently the new Remington VersaMax was the topic of discussion and I opined that I'd not want to be the first on my block to own one. The next thing we hear, the VersaMax has been recalled because of trigger problems. Had you purchased a VersaMax for hunting and HD, you'd be undefended while your new gun was back at Remington having its trigger corrected.

I concur with Dave and the other members, get a time-tested domestic shotgun for HD. Afterwards, you can get all the new Weatherbys and VersaMaxes you wish.