shotgun choke tube

Start with a good soaking in a penetrating oil like Kroil. If that doesn't work after a good 2-3 day soak, other methods to try include heating the barrel with a hair dryer/low heat gun and loosening; trying to tighten it just a smidge to see if you can break it loose; sticking it in the freezer to shrink the choke; using the freezer and then hitting the outside with the heat gun. The LAST resort is an easy-out as not only will you destroy the choke, you take a chance on doing damage to your barrel.

When you get it removed, use a brush and solvent to thoroughly clean the threads in the barrel and on the choke. Once done, use some "never-seize" on the threads and remember to remove, clean and reapply every now and again.

Good luck
^^What he said. For the initial soak (in Kroil or other solvent - like kerosene), put some in a coffee can or small jar and stand the barrel up in it for a few days.
What I found good to use (not for stuck choke but other issues) was a glass jar from the grocery store olive section where they have tall and narrow jars that don't require using a lot of the penetrating solvent. Either way, hope the soak does the trick!