Shotgun Chamber Adapters Review


New member
Earlier this year I bought a shotgun adapter for shooting .32 H&R/S&W Long from mcace in Alaska. I said I'd review it and I finally found time to do it.

First, the appearance of it leaves something to be desired. Unlike Shortlane in Montana, the adapter doesn't have the look of a finely machined part.

There's a black color/coating is either a really bad black oxide job or it's heat treat discoloration that's not removed. Whatever the case, it don't look good.

Internally, the bore was sharp, shiny, and clean. I guess when they say it's the inside that counts, it certainly applies to mcace rifled adapters.

Inserting the adapter into the bore can be tough to set it in all the way, but that's a good thing because I know it's staying in place and the single o-ring that stabilizes it in the bore is doing its job. The action closes fine and the weight of the 10 inch long adapter doesn't make the gun feel too heavy.

mcace offers rifled shotgun adapters in three lengths: 2-3/4", 10 inches, and 18 inches. I found 10 inches to be the perfect length for a .32 adapter. It's long enough to give it decent velocity, but not so long to be very heavy. My idea was to use light loads, so 10 inches would be plenty of barrel length. However, for other adapters like .45-70, .30-30, .218 Bee, .30-40 Krag the 18 inch length would be more appropriate.

You can check out all of what mcace offers at their website,

So, how does the adapter perform? The answer: it depends.

My first range trip, I was at an indoor range shooting at 25 yards while sitting down and rested on the shelf or whatever. Recoil was very mild and felt like shooting a .22 and blase was non-existent. I find shooting .32 from a handgun to be pleasant, but from a rifle it's downright therapeutic.

Groups averaged between 2 to 3 inches depending on ammo. I found that Magtech .32 S&W Long SJHP shot best and Federal 85 grain .32 H&R Mag shot larger groups. The middle target on the right was the Federal and the one shot that landed in the white was my first shot to find the POI. The rest was Magtech.


I think if one handloaded ammunition and used a proper rest, they could get sub 1 inch groups at 25 yards.

What I found most interesting was that the POI was a good 6 to 8 inches lower depending on ammo. I'm not sure if this was something inherent with the adapter or if it was because of the regulation in my over/under shotgun. I was shooting from the top barrel, so it's possibly due to the regulation.

The issue I have with my Mossberg HS12 is that, like most shotguns, the front and rear sights are fixed. I would suggest if using a double barrel shotgun, use a scope or optic of some sort. I had to do a 12 o'clock hold so high above where I wanted the bullet to land I couldn't see what I was actually shooting at. Where I hunting rabbit, I would have a tough time.

In later shooting sessions, I did use the bottom barrel, but I found the results inconclusive mostly because I was shooting at steel targets at 50 yards.

If there ever comes a time where a break action single shot shotgun becomes available and it has front and rear sights, that would be the best choice to use a shotgun chamber adapter with.

Point of Aim and Impact issues aside, I find the adapters to be accurate out to 25 yards. I think if optics are used, that range can easily go out to 50 yards and if used in a single shot shotgun, the effective range can go out as far as a standard rifle.

The flippant comments I've read on other forums about being unable to hit the barn when shooting from inside it are flat out untrue. I don't think these adapters will be accurate if using only a bead front sight as the majority of shotguns have, nor if using the cheapest ammo.

I was very pleased with the groups I got from the adapter and my shotgun, but the issue with the sights inability to be adjusted made it difficult. I've thought about getting a cheap red dot, like the Primary Arms, but I hear red dots don't work to well with people that have astigmatism, like me. I considered a scope as well, but I'm not to hip to the idea of a scope on a shotgun that has a barrel I could load with buckshot in case something got a little to close to me.

Bottom line: if you are considering using an adapter in your shotgun and it has something better than a bead front sight, I would say it's worth the money, depending on which barrel length you choose. Obviously, the shorter ones are cheaper. If your shotgun only has a bead sight and no way to mount a scope/optic, pass on rifles adapters.
Those shortcomings I mentioned many others had said were greatly exaggerated. You can hit small game out to 25 yards with good results.

But, I have yet to try this with a red dot or scope, which I can easily mount to my shotgun. I figure with a better sighting system and handloads, the groups will tighten up a lot. If I do get something on my shotgun, I will post an update with my results.

Shortlane makes 5 inch adapters that you can get on sale for $60 and free shipping. It's a very low cost option to shoot a lower recoil, lower power projectile from a shotgun, but it's not for everyone.
My first range trip, I was at an indoor range shooting at 25 yards while sitting down and rested on the shelf or whatever.

Groups averaged between 2 to 3 inches depending on ammo.

unacceptable accuracy for small game at such a close range....
the adapter concept was first intended as a last ditch effort for survival when another ammo ran out but you had a gun and another caliber.
key word....last ditch.
but thanks for your test.

I went on their site and looked at barrel adaptors for Thompson Center Contenders and was wondering if these were safe given the pressure tolerances of the Contender and some of the calibers offered.

I'll pass.
I think you misread their site. They ofer 22lr adapters to other barrels that are already available for contender. I don't foresee a pressure problem there.
Did some more shooting with the adapter, this time using handloads. Adapter seems to favor light bullets using minimum to moderate loads.


It does not like .32 S&W Long using same bullets and 3 grains of Unique.

I will try in the near future 94 grain lead bullets and Hornady XTP's in H&R Mag. I don't think there's much use continuing with S&W Long in the adapter.
Thank you for this.

Would stacking a 20 gauge adapter within a 12--->20 gauge adapter affect accuracy?

I know that shotguns chambered in 12 gauge are far more common, but there's still quite a few 20 gauge shotguns out there. If these adapters are most likely to be used in an emergency type situation, would it be more versatile to get the 20 gauge adapters?

With 20 gauge adapters:
- If you have a 20 gauge shotgun, use the adapters as is
- If you have a 12 gauge shotgun, first use the 12-->20 gauge adapter, then stack the 20 gauge adapter within

With 12 gauge adapters:
- If you have a 20 gauge shotgun, you can't use them
- If you have a 12 gauge shotgun, use the adapters as is