Shotgun Adapter

Well the ones I'm looking at are fairly inexpensive and will supposedly feed and extract like a shell would. Since I would be using it in a pump that sounds pretty good to me and I wouldn't be out much $ to try one out. Not sure if they would really feed well at all, but as long as it extracts I'm cool with it
I'm pretty sure you will not find any "adapters" - that will work in a pump gun.

" tubes " ( not choke tubes ) ....are restricted to Over Unders....or a break action....( not semi-autos or pump guns).....

chamber mates, etc...are some other options...

Even in an Over Under.../ unless its a full length "tube set" ....balistically, they don't work very well.
Well there are plenty of adapters that work in pump guns, you just have to manually load them and i've seen some that are made to the native shell dimensions so they feed and extract in pumps, won't cycle semi's. They fired five different rounds from the same magazine tube. If thats what you mean by "Chamber mates" then I guess I used the wrong nomenclature.
Ok, that's all news to me.../ all I can say is try them and test them ....../ but I think balistically, especially in terms of the pattern, you'll find they just don't do a good job.

But if you buy them -- test them and let us know. I've learned something new...
Well yeah, ballistically I don't expect it to be like shooting the weapon the round was intended for but I thought that just going from 20ga to .410 would not be earth shakingly horrible, especially since .410 is used @ closer range anyway. IDK was hoping to get some dirt on it here, but if I ever do purchase and shoot them I will certainly post about it. thanks
Most of us .....for the clay target games, shoot the .410 at the same ranges we shoot the 12ga, 20ga and 28ga.....there is really no difference.

1/2 oz of 8's out of a 12ga or a .410 1200 fps .....will go downrange exactly the same in terms of range, how hard each pellet hits and its ability to break targets...kill upland birds, etc...
I've never talked to anyone else that says these adapters will work in a pump may have come upon something really new...
Well, I've watched a video online that i alluded to earlier, but I'm not sure about posting that with that new policy on here and me being new and all.
Here's the thing though, when you go to the product page for that, there's nothing there. I've found another seller though that does actually have some.
Ok, now I see what they have developed....

Its a sleeve....that you load with the sub gague shell....and you insert and eject the whole sleeve..../ so the sleeve with the sub-gague shell in it, will cycle from the mag tube ...into the action ...and eject .....

Interesting.../ I still don't think it'll be very effective balistically I understand you "can" fire these sub-gague shells...but I doubt it'll be very effective / but it might be fun if you want to give it a try.

But it looks to me like they're about $ 50 each ...per adapter...say for a 12ga to a .410 ..../ so is it right, 3 of them would cost you $ 150 or so ...??
I don't know ....maybe its real, maybe its not ....

For $ 150, I think I'd want to inspect them first hand....not over the internet...( but I'm old, and cranky ...)....
Look like a fancier version of the Little Skeeters which are a PITA (I have 12 to 20 and 12 to 28. You have to use something like a pencil to knock the fired hulls out of the adapter. For grins and giggles, you shouldn't have any issues, but if you are firing a lot, that can get old real quick. You'll want to check velocity and patterns as well. You will get a LOT of blow-by and pressure drop going from 12 to 410
I think I'm just gonna pass on these things, seems way too potentially problematic and a pain to deal with, not to mention the cost. I may just eventually buy a cheap .410 and call it a day.
I have 2 all steel 12ga to 20ga adapters I bought from eBay. They function as they should in both a break open single shot and a old, old 12ga double (reason I bought them). They add a bit of safety to the chambers of the old double. The 20ga shells pattern about the same as the 12ga ones, does lose a little velocity but will still kill a squirrel or bunny. Being all steel and pretty heavy I would not want to try use them in a pump gun, pretty sure the extractor and ejector would pay a price along with the receiver where the adapter would hit as it was ejected, my own thoughts for what its the way I paid $19.95 each for them but price now is $24.95
Personally, I think you're smart to pass on these adapters....

The Browning BPS Hunter model ( and I have them in all 4 gagues ) are really solid guns...for the money...( nothing is free ) ....

I see these selling new in my area for around $ 600....and I see some at every gun show I go to in my area...almost new .....for less.

The BPS is a gun that will live on ....for at least 4 or 5 generations in your family ....even after 50,000 shells or more thru them...