Shot Start Pressure Storage Location in QUICKLOAD


New member
Since the Shot Start pressure automatically changes for you in QuickLoad when changing different bullet types
(eg, cast vs jacketed, etc), where is that info stored from which to match up with the bullet selected ?

It is editable -- either directly in the front 'Charge' screen, or in the EditBulletFile pop-up. . .


But where is it stored?
It's not in the bullet files.
I set up QL so anyone using the computer could access it, so on my machine the files are here:

This PC/Windows (C:)/Users/Public/Public Documents/QuickLOAD/data/bullets

If yours is set up so only you can use it, then replace "Public", above, with your username.

The files have .bul extensions. They are comma delimited text with data values inside pairs of quotation marks that you can edit in Notepad. The very last entry on each line is the start pressure in tens of bar. That is, for a lead bullet the number will be "8" meaning 80 bar, which is 1160 psi.
GOT IT !!!!
pressure as 'Bar' listed breaks the code.

I probably have added more that a hundred custom bullet files as I've cast (or entered data for LeadHead/ ProofMark), Mountain, SAECO -- and Accurate of course -- multiplied by three different alloys

Now what I thought was a simple record/string terminating "8" at the end of the line makes sense.

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