shot some today


New member
I got to shoot a few rounds today .38's in my revolver. They shot very well, very accurat. Shot about 20 rounds. Im very happy with the way they shoot, no leading in the barrel, But there was some in the cylinder, is this normal? And how do ya get it out, first time shooting cast boolits.
Clean with solovent on a brush, then some patches. If it is not heavy then that should do it. If it is heavy wrap a strand or two of a copper (test it with a magnet first) around a bore brush. Some solvnet, then a few clean patches.
Note for my .41 mag RBH I use M-pro7. I spray a bit on a patch run it through the bore a couple of passes, then do the same with the cylinder chambers. Let it sit for a couple of minutes. Spray a touch on a brush, run through a few passes in the barrel, then cylinder chambers. Follow with a wet clean patch. I then pass a dry patch through the barrel. Oil, then another dry patch. Takes me less than 10 minutes at the range while the gun is still warm.
Independence !!!

Good for you 1chig !!!!!;)

I mix my own Ed`s Red to clean with , but your favorite solvent should do it , especially with the copper choreboy pot scrubbers !!

Howse it FEEL ???:D

Tumble lube or other ???
GP100man, it really feels good:D those things shot very well, im very happy. I didnt get to shoot very many :( arround 20 or so to test them out, got a little leading , gonna try and take care of that. Cant wait till friday , gonna shoot some more and prolly make some more boolits ( addicting) hope they turn out as well .. AWESOME!! oh yea i used lla lube and tumbled them.