Shot some special ammo...eight years in the making...


New member
Eight years ago, on election night, rather than being depressed by the results i decided to take my then three year old out to the garage and start to teach him how to reload. I posted it here on this old thread:

When we finished, I figured I would save those loads to fire in freedom or in the defense thereof. Well eight of the longest years of my life have passed and it appears that freedom is again on the horizon. So I went into my ammo locker, loaded up my now 11 year old boy and decided to go shoot that ammo. He has come so far in these last eight years, from shooting BB caps, to .22 LR and now he shoots most anything. He was a bit hesitant to shoot .44 mags, but we only loaded them to about 2/3 power so he agreed to give them a try.

Although I have several .44's, we decided to use my Ruger Redhawk. It was my first handgun that I got when I was 14 or 15. I saved up half and my dad picked up the other half for earning good grades.

Here are some pictures from eight years ago and today:

Oh HELL yeah! :D

Great story.

Now I'll go read the old one. :p
FWIW, I too remember that November day and I entered it in my log. The log is an Excel spreadsheet and it's main purpose is to log what I create at my bench, but it seemed appropriate to make a date stamp of what that night felt like. (Crap, for the record. That night felt like crap.)
Tut tut tut, what's with this "family values" nonsense ? Teaching a youngster the right way, spending time with him. Next you'll say you're a mentor:D
As much as I dislike the over use of this word I'm just going to say it anyway, this is awesome. As a youngster my son just wasn't that interested in shooting, but now as an adult he loves it and whenever he comes to visit we try to hit the range. Unfortunately he lives in New York and doesn't want to deal with the hassle of gun ownership. I'll have to work on that.
Very cool. My grown daughter has a friend who is a native of Belgium and lives in Germany. On her first visit, about 3 years ago, she went shooting with me since it was a unique opportunity for her to do so, and she did quite well. (She is one of those people who is always game for new experiences and also very bright and teachable.) On her second visit last summer, one of the things she said she wanted to do was to go shooting with me again, so I of course obliged. After helping me clean the pistols she expressed curiosity about my reloading setup. I showed her how it worked, how to monitor the operation, and so forth, and darned if she didn't sit down and make a box. I labeled it with her name and told her that it would be waiting for her at her next visit, but that she wasn't allowed to wait another three years! I got a big grin and a hug. The kid is really a gem. You are raising a gem, too.
That is awesome! Quite the celebration! Another few years yeas and you'll have to split the cost of a new .44 with him!
This is awesome. I have a daughter who will be 3 soon and I'm counting down the days until she get's to a point where I consider her ready to start reloading with me. She's a little.... zany right now, but we'll get there.

Great story.
This thread got bumped today and I was compelled to scroll back in my log to election night 2008, as I remember making an entry and I wondered if I had also made ammo that day and indeed I had -- made a couple boxes of .30 Carbine for my Blackhawk.