Shot shells for yotes


New member
Hey guys ...just curious what you all may be using for shot size for coyotes???

I was thinking #2 or maybe BB size

What you guys think??

#4 buck and keep shots inside 50 yards. #2 and BB were used for fox up close in the past. I don't think you'll get close enough for a clean shot with yotes using those shot sizes.
Number 3 and number 4 buckshot work very well . Hevi Shot Dead Coyote works great but its a little pricey.
I never really had satisfactory results using a shotgun on coyotes. A memorable failure(I consider it so anyway) went like this: I was turkey hunting, called in a nice gobbler and shot him @25 yards DRT. Super full choke with 2 ounces of #4 will do that-no question.
Before I could get up to retrieve the bird, a coyote ran in , grabbed the turkey and started to run off. I pumped another shell in the gun, the yote dropped the turkey at the sound, and I blasted the yote at approx the same range as I had killed the turkey. Expecting the same result, I was surprised as the coyote simply ran off and was out of range before I could rack in another shell.
Since I was sitting in a little thicket with open ground all around, I watched the coyote run almost 200 yards before he began to falter and finally fell but got up again and was gone. The only coyote I ever killed with a shotgun was hit by a single #4 Buck pellet behind the ear as it ran past while pursued by hounds--all the others simply ran off.
I shot a small male(20 lbs or so) at 20 yards with long beard win # 5,s, dropped like a rock. came running in on a turkey call yelp on the first day of turkey season this year.
When I lived out West, coyote hides were worth some money, so no one used a shotgun. That said, if all you are doing is just trying to eradicate them, the above advice about size and distance is very good.
thanks guys,,,i DO very much prefer a rifle,,,but i have had a couple of close encounters here lately,,,almost always have a gun with me,,,always a hand gun and this summer with the heat seems like i am seeing them(predator and varmints) closer to the house than usual,,,just seems odd,,,

i just needed to hear what you guys thought,,,prolly just keep the rifle a little closer

We tested a lot of shotgun loads in AZ against coyotes. Buckshot were worthless past 30 yards, No 4 was ok up to 35-40, so was AAA I got in South Africa, similar to #4. The best by far was the Federal 3 inch copper plated bb 1 7/8 ounce load, it could reach out and put them down at 50-60 yards.
"...coyote hides were worth some money..." Even in July? Just curious.
"...with long beard..." Wiley shaves. snicker.
"...#2 or maybe BB..." Using what gauge and choke? The issue is distance. Wiley tends to be a clever fellow and won't knowingly get close enough for shot of any size to be humane. A small slug will work though. Even a .410 or 20 gauge slug is better than shot depending on the range.
Buckshot is worthless past 30 yards. Well, more like unreliable.
the small male I shot with a 12 ga win longbeard 1-3/4 oz #5 was about 20 yards from me and the shot was head on with a .640 turkey choke and rem 11/87 shotgun with 2.5x leupold scope. he came running full tilt at just the break of dawn, at first I thought it was a turkey as he was very dark colored and had my shotgun up and he didn,t see me at all and I fired at about 20 yards. he took the shot and went down right away, dead. I shot him to save small turkeys and deer fawns and left him lay for the buzzards.
I have killed quite a few years ago with 12 gauge Lead #2s
These days Turkey shot would be as close as you can get to the old Lead Goose loads.
From a12 Ga with a good full choke barrel it's not out of the question to kill them at 65 to 70 yards. I have done it probably a dozen times, back in the 70s
hmmm,,,i know a shot gun will get it done,,,i have killed yotes while turkey hunting too,,,

my favorite was,,,my ol hunting buddy and me were walking out one day,,,down a haul road in southern Ohio twards the truck,,,road took a sharp right up ahead about 75-80 yrds,,,,we were standing in the road talking game plan for the next day,,,he always used an old duck model 12,,,for me i used a 10ga. double,,,and i used federal copper buffered #6, 2.5oz,,,,but i always had a few of the same in #2 and 4buck,,,just in case,,,,anyway i just happened to look back up the road and there stood ol mr. yote looking over into a clear cut,,,i unlatched the double and took the 6's out and slipped in a pair of 2's,,,closing on the way to my shoulder and i thought my thumb was going to catch the lever for a quiet close,,,nope,,,when it snicked shut he looked dead at us just as the hammer fell,,,,killed him where he stood,,,,my buddy was always giving me grief about the turkey cannon that needed a set of wheels,,,funny never head about that to much since,,,he has said if he wouldnt have seen it he wouldnt believe it

have killed 2 with 12ga. slugs while deer hunting,,,and several with 223

so ,,i know you can kill them with a shotgun,,i just dont think i want the big 10 laying around all the time,,but it may come to that,,,the 2 coyotes i have seen in the past week were out in the field,,,maybe 80-100 yrds,,,i did get some 12ga, 3" bb's at the farm store the other day,,,my problem is ,,,well maybe not a problem,,,but if i shoot at them i want to kill them,,,,not have them go off somewhere and have a painful and lingering death

just to close to the house for me,,,,if they dont go away then im gona kill them,,,just that simple

thx guys

they are bad on turkey polts and just born and older fawns. hawks realy kill the young turkeys as they can,t get away from them.
'yotes, gobblers and shells

I missed this thread when it first ran, but the experiences of others calling gobblers, and having a 'yote show up matches my own. I've also bumped into 'yotes as I closed in to calling distance on a gobbling tom, the 'yote also maneuvering to close and ambush the gobbler as well. I've also heard stories of 'yotes tumbling turkey decoys.

Regards ammo, I've got a box of Hevi T-buck Dead Coyote which seems promising, and for a long time, I had a pretty good supply of #4Buck, but I've shot most of that up. Patterning tells me that either would likely fold a coyote out to 40-50 yds with proper gun, choke , and patterning, that is where most of mine went. The T-buck Hevi is expensive, no more of that for me. MIdway has Hornady seasonal run 3" BB loads available in their last sale catalog, fairly priced, I may buy some of it. The #4Buck is common in a lot of stores and affordable, I'd see it as a default if my gun shot it well.

I would not use heavier buck, (read here 00 buck) on purpose, for 'yotes. Just patterns too thin in any gun I've tried .