Shot my first wild boar last weekend


New member
My brother and went down to OK last weekend and both got one. It was the first time for both us so it was very exciting. The hogs were both over 200 lbs. being inexperienced I don't know if that is about average or not, let me know.

Those are respectable hogs, first kill or not. Probably on the average to high average size, but who cares??? Chops is chops!

Nice work and continued success.
what I used

I used a .243 100 grain, I hit him right above the shoulder. That put it him down, but I had finish him with my pistol. My brother used a .270. He shot the hog once where the leg meets the body, and we had to track him for awhile then he got it right behind the ear. I would have to say both guns performed very well. It was a blast definately gonna do it again.

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Glad you had fun! I would rather hunt hogs over deer. In most parts of Texas you can hunt them all year round.
Diggs, good clean fun. I'm heading out for a hunt in a few weeks myself. A note to the wise, The big ones are fun to hunt, we have taken some in excess of 650#...but the tasty ones are between 40-150#. The real big ones taste like crap. I'm sure one at 200# will be pretty good. But next time (if you are meat huntin) see if you cant get a few small ones.
Recipe: Pork Ribs

1 Rack Pork ribs
1 Grill
Wood...Yes wood, not charcoal or gas
onions (red or 1015)
Horse shoes or washers
3 friends

Start fire...coat ribs in pepper and some salt...throw ribs on grill...Drink beer and play shoes or washers...pour beer on ribs occasionally...after a few hrs (2ish) of low heat and high alcohol intake eat.
Enjoy and congrats.
Back here in the East (NC). A rifle is just too long and cumbersome in the thick brush where the feral hogs are. And the shots are CLOSE..usually less than 30 feet. In the area where we hunt they run a little smaller...around 140 lbs or so. But they are very tough for their size. I use my Magnum Research BFR in .50 AE with Speer 300gr gold dots. I load them to about 1100fps. Quite a bit less than full power, but still more than enough to put them down quick. At the close ranges we shoot at...head/spine shots are best. If they take off when shot.... you might not find them in the very dense underbrush. When the spine or brain pan is hit, they drop in their tracks, and there is no meat spoilage.
I've had good luck with wild boar a few times as well. They're a bit tougher to kill with one shot than a deer. I've used 30-30, 35 Remington, and .308 with success. Any good hunting bullet that gets inside the chest will do the job.

I was displeased with the flavor of an un-castrated boar hog. But the females are always good eatin'.