Shot my first high-power match today


New member
I am 56, have done a bunch of pistol stuff, new to long guns other than trap.
I came in semi-equipped.
Rock River AR 15
Sufficient Ammo
Frankenstein shooter's cart (plastic carton on a salesman's dolly, GarageTek fold down bicycle rack clamped on to cross bar to use as rifle rest, ammo box made from Sears plastic tool box)
trap shooter jacket
decent scope and scope stand
yoga mat for prone shooting (wife still screaming at me, it was muddy)
good ears
decent hat

Didn't have:
shooting coat
left eye patch
carbide lamp
clip board

Score: I don't exactly remember - the other guy totaled it up, and I was so excited that I just handed it in. I think I got something like 310. I also scored a great time. I think I'll do this again.
I bet you made some great friends too. High power has wonderful people, who are more then willing to help out new shooters. Bend their ears.

Most State Clubs conduct High Power Rifle Clinic. Check your state rifle and pistol assn and see if you can line one up. Some Clubs charge a modest fee, some dont. I run at least one High Power Clinic a year. I dont charge anything.

Get a score book or make one, Record your shots, Sight Settings and chages, record you ammo, call your shots and record them. Put in the weather conditions. You study the score book at the end of each match and before the next match.

Best thing you can buy for HP, wheather you are just starting out or been shooting for years is the SERVICE RIFLE GUIDE, put out by the Army Marksmanship Unit.

This book cost $6.95 from the CMP Bookstore.

Glad you enjoyed the match and welcome to the wonderful world of high power.
Thanks to all for the support. Tomorrow is my second Garand match. I'm getting into this. It's funny, when I first started shooting the Garand, every time I let off a shot, I felt like I had to check my teeth to make sure that I didn't lose any. I scored a 179 on my first Garand match. I hope to do better tomorrow. Where has this been all my life?
Danny, it's been there all along.

Get a sling and a glove. A coat helps for offhand but after that it's all about the pads. Since you are shooting a 30 some Rifle Grip would help too in sitting and prone. I don't think I would use it on your wifes yoga mat unless you want her to stick to it.
Hi-Power matches

DannyB's story reminded me of me. I shot PPC for over 20 years, with bull barrelled .38's and .38 wadcutters. I got interested in high-power and have been shooting it for the last 3 years. I shoot with a Garand and Bushmaster AR-15. I load for both rifles. It was really refreshing to take on a new shooting discipline.
I bought all my equipment as I went along and learned a lot from the other shooters and from the CMP website. The Army shooting team has some great articles on it.
DannyB, I also started this year at aged 50. I have an RRA and a Garand. I did buy a Turner sling and it has helped my scores a lot. I swap it between the AR and the Garand. I also bought a vintage used 10x shooting off ebay for $20 dollars (my elbows were bleeding all the time until I got the jacket). I'm hooked and I think I've got my son hooked as well. We just shot a High Power match today and am getting ready for a JC Garand match in two weeks. I dragged my nephew along today and he did much better in each stage. Hopefully I'll be able to get my grandson to tag along next year.