Shot my first bowling pin competition today


New member
My plan was to go and watch one since I have never shot in any pistol competition before, I was a little nervous. Everyone was very friendly and I quickly decided to shoot.

I had my Mark III and PX4. One of the guys offered to let me shoot his .45 in the revolver class. Actually, there were two guys that offered to let me shoot their gun in the revolver class. I picked the .45. :D Nice group of folks. I thought I did ok, I had a blast.

I had a 8.48 in the rimfire, and an 8.00 in the centerfire, not sure about the revolver. I had one run with my Beretta that was 6.2. I was pretty pleased but it's clear I have some work to do. A few guys were shooting in the mid 4's. :eek: That was fun to watch.

I would encourage anyone who has considered it to give it a try. We had a small group, 13 people, very relaxed and friendly, yet very well run and safe.
The club secretary had a perfect run in the rimfire class. It wasn't the fastest but, it was the only perfect one.

This was at the Hernando Sportsman's Club, they have it the first Sunday of each month.

Certainly more fun than punching holes in paper. :D
Some years ago they use to have bowling pin shoots.
Never got to see one, but I'd love to.
Don't know of any in my area though.
Pin matches, steel matches and what are club calls "action matches" are all loads of fun.
I've even shot a couple 900 rimfire bullseye matches that were more fun than I expected.
Anytime a bunch of guys get together just to shoot some guns is always fun IMO.
Glad you liked it. I'm sure it won't be your last.
A few years back, I shot bowling pins with a group at our club who were real diehards. They shot year round. Even if it was -10 degrees. (outdoor range) They'd hang tarps and crank up a butane heater and start shooting.

That was real dedication. And they're still doing it. I stopped because the cold was a little much for old bones, but I think the group is going for some kind of record. It's really addictive. I loved it.
Two shops in my area used to hold them once a week but not for a number of years. Some of the most fun shooting I've ever done even if I never won the pool. :p
I belong to a sportsman club and they use to have pin shoots some years ago.
Never got to see one though.
Don't know why they quit having them.
The range has asprin shoots, cowboy shoots, trap shoots, Idpa shoots, etc but no pin shoots.

I was told several months ago by another member that the pres said if he caught anyone shooting pins at the range he would kick them out of the club.
Supposedly he said he was tired of cleaning up the mess.

The pres is into trap shooting, from what I understand he doesn't shoot rifles or handguns.
I can understand not wanting to clean up someone elses mess, but I would think that the mess from shotgun wads would be harder to clean up.

Yes we could vote him out, but no one, including me, wants the headaches of the job.
So I guess I'll just keep my mouth shut and carry on.:D