Shot fired at High School in Montgomery Co., MD


New member
A son of one of my coworkers goes to that school (Albert Einstein HS, not too far from DC proper). Appears that nobody is hurt. That son just got released from school minutes ago.

Police Investigate Report Of Shot Fired At High School

KENSINGTON, Md. -- Montgomery County police are investigating the report of a shot fired at Albert Einstein High School in the 11100 block of Newport Mill Road in Kensington.

Police said they received a report of a shot fired in a second-floor boy's bathroom at the school Wednesday afternoon. Sources said a casing and a hole were discovered in the bathroom.

The school was locked down and placed under a code red. No students or parents were allowed on or off campus. Students were released from school after 4 p.m.

News4's Miguel Almaguer reported that several guns were found in the school and about a half-dozen juveniles -- male and female -- were taken into custody for questioning.

The gunshot may be gang related, Almaguer reported.
Extra police have been at the school due to recent possible gang activity.

Police said they are looking at surveillance video at the school.

No injuries have been reported.

If there are any more bits of info I can get from my coworker that the rest of you can't get from the news, I'll post accordingly.

Since it appears that nobody is hurt, I suppose lowbrow comments usually reserved for the weeks after a school shooting are in not quite so lowbrow...

Besides the Baltimore Orioles (who are surprise ! are the best team in MLB right now), and parts of Baltimore, I don't much like most of Maryland. Crazy taxes, crazy democrats, crazy people who envy the people and wealth of Virginia, and crazy gun laws. (No offense intended for the MD TFL'ers)

Yet another in a long-running streak of school violence only third to that found in Chicago and DC. Inevitably, - knowing how MD politics swing - the blame will go to guns, and eventually, to our Virginia guns magically swimming (or flying) across the Potomac and into the hands of kids. Funny how, except for the VTech tragedy, there are no crazy school shootings here in the Commonwealth, where guns are plentiful like tobacco farms. In fact, the reverse has been true (i.e., Appalachian School of Law)
The gunshot may be gang related

That sounds like that is a very good possibility. Montgomery County is known for a big MS-13 presence especially in the high school levels.

Besides the Baltimore Orioles (who are surprise ! are the best team in MLB right now)

Great, now you cursed it...:D

Just a question, I am not setting up a follow up, but don't they have metal detectors at Albert Einstein?
Great, now you cursed it.

Peter Angelos and Jeffrey Maier cursed the Orioles.

don't they have metal detectors at Albert Einstein?

I don't know; my coworker left for the day (why would she want to work now?). I'll ask tomorrow. This story will get even more interesting if such is the case. At any rate, Metal detectors in the schools won't stop your run of the mill drive-by.
Hold on, isn't that school a gun free zone? Aren't there sign posted as banning guns on school grounds?

Oh wait, maybe those kids with guns can't read! My bad.

*sarcasm mode turned off*
At Einstein? How the mighty have slipped.

Of course, when I lived there Montgomery was the richest county and Fairfax was still mostly farmland. You know, back before Dulles and Wolf Trap and all that sprawl.

Richard Montgomery, Class of '68
(At least I didn't go to Gaithersburg. Just kidding.)
At any rate, Metal detectors in the schools won't stop your run of the mill drive-by.

No of course it wouldn't, but just goes to show that they do nothing to prevent those bent on breaking the rules and law.

I hope my kid's school is never locked down... I don't know how they would be able to keep me from getting in there to get her or him. Of course these days will all the school shootings becoming more commonplace I would think Montgomery County has an active shooter policy for just a situation, no more sitting and waiting.
Too bad Maryland doesn't have CCW, then at least the teachers could try to lobby for being able to carry on the job. But of course if they had CCW they might not have as much gang presence in the first place....

EXCUSE ME: Here are the facts

First of all, I am absolutly appalled by the ignorence I am seeing on these comments. I would like to speak for the students at Einstein HS. I am a junior there and had a sibling who went there for four years before me, so I am greatly in touch with the school.

Number 1: Obviously we can read, we're not idiots.

Number 2: So what if this happened at our school? No, we don't have metal detectors - no MCPS school does. Big whoop, life goes on. This could have happened in your school. What happened was not Columbine you know.

We have absolutly no tolerance for people looking down on us because we are a great school. We have award winning visual and performing arts programs, and great students. We have good athletics and students that take pride in what they do. Just because there are some students who yes, might be members of a gang, doesn't reflect on the entire student body. I'm sure in all of your high schools fights happen and there is at least one member of a gang.

The gun was not intended to be used in killing anybody - the kid was trying to sell it. THough that's no excuse i know, there was no INTENT of danger towards anybody.

So before you even THINK about saying something bad about my school go there for at least two years to get a first hand experience. Everything you hear isn't true - it's called a bad sterotype and a bad representation.
If you don't hear the thick layers of sacrasm here, let me peel it back for you. One, we are told by liberal leftists that gun bans stop crime. We are told that gun free zones, like your school, stop crime. We are told that banning guns to minors, will stop crime. We are told that requiring concealed carry permits to carry a firearm, will stop crime.
The above posters are referring to the fact that every one of these assumptions, which are touted as gospel among the left, are in fact demonstrably false, as shown here. A child, (anyone under 18 in the eyes of the law), carried an illegally obtained, concealed weapon into a prohibited area, and used it in a manner which could have caused serious injury or death. When your school was shaken down, according to the article, SEVERAL guns were taken. Not the one fired specifically, but several. This indicates that a number of your award winning students are less than stellar members of junior society,and are destined to meet someone like me professionally in thier future.
I wish you the greatest success in your future endeavors.
Hey kuzulamb04, lighten up. That may be impossible seeing as how you are a teenager and feel passionate about this subject, but give it a try.

First of all we don't have to attend a school to be able to make judgements about it, I would say a majority of the people here have not only completed high school but some college, and some of us even have kids in high school now.

Let me give you a clue your high school is not special or unique. Every other high school in the nation has more in common with your school than you would like to believe, just change the names and maybe the regional dialect and your school could be a clone of just about any other school in the nation.

It is nice to see you are passionate about defending your school, that is admirable and you are to be respected for taking that stance.
The gun was not intended to be used in killing anybody - the kid was trying to sell it. THough that's no excuse i know, there was no INTENT of danger towards anybody.

1 Underage possession
2 Gun in a prohibited zone
3 Illegal sale
4 Safety violation (called an ND)

When a child illegally buys a gun from another who is illegally selling that gun in an area where they are not even allowed to HAVE a gun, what do you call them? A:criminals