shot a tripod in arkansas


while hunting in AR this year i shot a good 160 # 8 point w/ 3 legs. he had, apparently, had the other shot off the year before. grew together well and did not seem to be bothering him at all. he was running does hard.
some kind of animals, huh?
just stick the old leg in some mud, lick here and there and keep on trucking. no antibiotics. no painkillers. just grin and bear it.
he wont, however, be recovering from the 165 gr'r in his neck.
yeah deer are very in mass they get hit by cars alot...and some of them live and survive to the next season...and when you open them up the insides look like theve been beat with a bat....but the greatest is when you get a deer with a pound of buck shot in them...
Several years ago my father killed a buck that had had his lower jaw shot off the year before. We were amazed that the deer had been able to eat enough food to survive with what little was left of the jaw but the buck was very healthy and gave us some good meat. Definately some amazing animals.
Precisely why I don't care for head shots except as a coup de grace. The head is so quick to move at the end of the neck that the deer may move it before we have a chance to react. Factor in reaction time (0.1 to 0.2 seconds) lock time, bullet flight time, and you can have that head easily move 5 inches from where it was when you decided to pull the trigger. That's the difference between a perfect brain shot and a shot-off jaw or a torn esophagous or semi-occluded trachea, which is really sad. :( If I'm a little off on my body shot, though, I've got room for error.

I shot a buck a dozen years ago that had been seen the week before fighting in a field with another buck. He must have been fighting most of the season. I shot him on the last day of the season (early January), and the rut had finally ended here in TX. His antlers were scarred and blunted and the tips packed with dirt. What was most interesting, though, was the almost-healed deep antler wound to the left loin. The wound went well into the haunch, and had a pretty good-sized scar that had to be cut out. The piercing site in the hide was almost healed close with just a small open red spot. Zero infection and no impairment that I could see-- he was just going to have a nice "battle scar" for the rest of his life, which I interupted with a Sierra 100 spitzer from a .257 Rbts.
arrow still in him

A couple of years ago I shot a 6pt with a 18 inch spread, when we skinned him we found a healed over hole from a broadhead near his spine no sign of infection and no exit wound . after closer examination we found 12 inches of arrow with the broadhead lined up in between his ribs , you couldnt feel it inside the ribcage or see it outside either it was completely healed inside. since then we've found a 4 pt wither a shattered broadhead next to the spine almost all the meat was bad. and a 6pt with a entrance and exit wound over the spine with no sign of infection.
easy they can go play in traffic...but in all serious when some animals get wounded they lay down to die, but what i have seen the deer keep on going and dont stop even if they are badly hurt. but it is instinct so they dont really have a choice per say...
Where in Arkansas? I live and hunt in the SE part.

A few years ago at our camp one of the guys was planning to hunt with a 223. Can't remember what happened for him, but one night we were all sitting around talking about what deer feed on and such and the subject of 'browse' came up. After a good thorough discussion of just what constituted 'browse', the 223 guy said, "I can't believe I'm going to use a 55 gr bullet on an animal that eats briars for breakfast!"

They are tough critters when they need to be.
Jeff, ever heard of Smackover?
probably not huh? its 30 min west of ElDorado.
i had a guy tell me he knew where Smackover was one time and i said "how in the hell do you know where smackover is" (population 800). he said he had played HS football in N. LA and played them when he was a senior. he said he only remembered it because all the players had full beards and there were little kids running down the sideline yelling "GIT 'EM DADDY".
Last rifle season, I killed a small buck which had this arrow in the right front leg. It was completely healed, covered with gristle around the bone. The deer had jumped a fence and was walking normally just before shot him.
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Mule Deer

I hit a big doe mule deer at about 250 yards with a 150 powerpoint out of a .270 winchester. she dropped on the spot and didnt move until we got up colse to give her a finisher at which time she got up and took off at a full run never to be seen again. i hate to see it happen but i know the shot hit her in the body and i dont know how she did it but she got away likely to meet her end at the jaws of coyotes or hidden somewhere instead of the freezer