Shortage of guns and ammo

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New member
I think we all know by now there’s a big shortage of hand gun and long gun ammo. I have also noticed that home defense shotgun’s and most lever actions are not available either. Two Henry firearms distributors told me there’s most likely a 1 year backlog trying to get a Henry firearm.

No doubt, many of these firearm factories have been shut down because of the China virus restrictions and of course that would include Henry being located in New Jersey. I’m attributing the shortages of firearms and ammo because of two factors... Aside from having to shut down and stop production which would naturally slow everything, I recently read that firearm purchases are up nearly 1000%. I’m guessing with this type of huge increase in firearm purchases, these factories are just not equipped to keep up with that type of huge production demand regardless of having been shut down.

Any thoughts....???
Not the first shortage, won’t be the last.
I expect the craziness will subside a fair amount after the election.

On the other hand I was just in Walmart for something else and walked by the gun counter.
Walked out with 4 different SKU’s to test in the new .308.
By the far the worst shortage ever IMO--and I personally think there's more than citizen demand contributing to it.

I would love to know what your thoughts are on why are you think there’s more to this with the shortage.
By the far the worst shortage ever IMO--and I personally think there's more than citizen demand contributing to it.
I wasn't an online ammo buyer until 2016 and even then ammo was available, maybe a bit higher in price, but available. It's not now and hasn't been for over 6 months.

Shutdowns of factories and mining operations have greatly contributed to this shortage, but I agree that there's more to this one than just extreme high demand and decreased supply, current events are all foreshadowing wars and to fight wars countries need ammo.

This is yet another panic that occurred the year of a Presidential election, so come 2024 the lesson learned is stock up and stock deep enough to sustain your normal shooting activities for a 10-12 month period. If one cannot afford to do that then they will have to reduce how much they shoot or shoot a cheaper ammunition, namely steel case or .22 LR.
It's Covid-19. It's right here in America.

There is a long history of blaming and persecuting innocent people for pandemics- Jews, Catholics, Blacks, etc.

I know you didn't mean to offend anyone, a study of the history of The Black Plague is very interesting as many of the things that happened socially are happening again.
Factor #1 , a pandemic that sends fear and panic stricken gun people into a buying frenzy. Factor #2 , nearing an election that sends fear and panic stricken gun people into a buying frenzy. Factor #3 , already panic stricken gun owners reading on the internet that there is no guns , ammo, or reloading components for sale anywhere sending more fear and panic stricken gun people into a buying frenzy.
My opinion is very close to that of truth teller's. I reload almost all of my ammunition--and I'm pretty sure not all those citizen covid zombie invasion special forces are reloaders.
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As others have already stated, a combination of Covid shutdowns, civil unrest and a presidential election have all contributed to scarcity. In-store ammo purchases are harder to come by but can bought online for higher prices. Whether or not a prolonged shortage continues will hinge on who’s elected.
All this make me want to get back to bullet casting. It's that time of year anyway. When the weather turns frosty, I think of molten lead... :)

Geezerbiker said:
All this make me want to get back to bullet casting. It's that time of year anyway. When the weather turns frosty, I think of molten lead...


In the height of gun panics what's the only items you stand a good chance of finding ? That would be lead casting bullet moulds , and most anything black powder muzzle loading related ! And I am well stocked within these as well ! Unlike when I got caught with my pants down back in '13 , I can just relax, smile and sit on the sidelines during this current panic. It feels dam good.
Road Clam said:
In the height of gun panics what's the only items you stand a good chance of finding ? That would be lead casting bullet moulds ...
Unless something has changed in the last two weeks (or so), you'd be wrong on that. A friend across town recently decided that this might be the time to start casting his own bullets. He had difficulty finding a melting pot, but he eventually found that. Bullet moulds? Nope. He wanted a mould for a 147-grain 9mm projectile, and what he really wanted was one that would do six or eight projectiles in one pour. After searching the Internet for several weeks, he was finally able to buy a mould that drops two bullets per casting.
JERRYS. said:
not really a general shortage from what I see, rather a general shortage of normal priced items.
Respectfully, you must not be looking.

Example: For many years I was a buyer's club member of The Sportsmans Guide web site. They always had a good selection of ammunition in the brands and calibers I use, and I have bought ammunition from them on a number of occasions. If I go to their web site today (which I just did, for confirmation), they've got nothing in .22LR, 9mm, or .45 ACP. Everything is either on backorder, no longer available, or "not currently available." I've never seen that before -- not even during the last shortages.

Reloading? Never mind the price, primers are almost impossible to find. I've been buying bullets from Berry's manufacturing for more than a decade. If I go to their web site today (which I just did), I find that they have two bullets in stock in .380 ACP. They have nothing in 9mm -- they offer fifteen different bullets in 9mm and they are ALL sold out.

The same holds true for .45 ACP. Berry's lists thirteen different bullets for .45 ACP. They are ALL out of stock.

That was never the case in previous shortages.
Respectfully, you must not be looking.

Example: For many years I was a buyer's club member of The Sportsmans Guide web site. They always had a good selection of ammunition in the brands and calibers I use, and I have bought ammunition from them on a number of occasions. If I go to their web site today (which I just did, for confirmation), they've got nothing in .22LR, 9mm, or .45 ACP. Everything is either on backorder, no longer available, or "not currently available." I've never seen that before -- not even during the last shortages.

Reloading? Never mind the price, primers are almost impossible to find. I've been buying bullets from Berry's manufacturing for more than a decade. If I go to their web site today (which I just did), I find that they have two bullets in stock in .380 ACP. They have nothing in 9mm -- they offer fifteen different bullets in 9mm and they are ALL sold out.

The same holds true for .45 ACP. Berry's lists thirteen different bullets for .45 ACP. They are ALL out of stock.

That was never the case in previous shortages.
Bullets are available for handguns, just not 9mm or .45. I know that's a big deal for most because that's like, 60% of what people reload for handguns, but it's not a total void. Berry's has bullets for 9x18, .40/10, .44, Midway has lead bullets for .32, .38, .45. I just got 1000 .32 wadcutters... stuff is out there, it's just not going to be exactly what most want or it's going to be from retailers you've never bought from before.

Of course, none of that matters when primers are universally gone, even percussion caps are gone. That is something I've never seen before.
I wonder if it comes to president Trumps attention if he would consider enacting the defense production act to help out American gun owners with short supply. I’m sure a valid argument could be made that the second amendment is in jeopardy just for the fact of short supply of guns and ammo to protect it against Tierney foreign and domestic.
The .45 and 9mm are indeed long gone. I was able, 4 weeks ago anyhow, to purchase from 2 different online sources, 460 rounds of 10mm, (300 target FMJ (Fed, Win, etc.), 160 rounds of Underwood high end hollowpoints). I did see match grade .22's, but at grossly inflated prices.
Was in Walmart today, plenty of long guns (shotguns, pumps, semiautomatic, rifles, centerfire, bolt and lever, as well as rimfire), for sale, but only a couple boxes of shotgun shells and one tin of .22 airgun pellets. Empty shelves otherwise. ZERO rifle bullets. No sense buying a rifle if one can't get ammo for it. :rolleyes:
Strange and uncertain times we are living in.
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My favorite gauge of the market has been MidwayUSA. I've been shopping with them for around 20 years and they have never price gouged. When I see Blazer Brass 9mm going for 3.5x its "normal" price with limits of 3 for 50 round boxes on their site, you know there's a serious shortage due to a combination of demand and production capacity. BTW, it was $600 for a case of 1,000 on the Blazer.

People are scared to death of what 2021 will bring. 2020 has been a bad frigging year thus far for a lot of people.
MidwayUSA recently had 1200 round bulk ammo for 5.56. $0.57 each, which isn’t bad considering most other online gun shops are selling it for .65 to .70 each. I recently bought 500 rounds of 9mm for about .60 each
Time to vent a little. I am getting so sick and tired of constantly reading these threads that start out, "Does Anyone Know Where I Can Get......." I've seen this crap happen so many times since Columbine over 20 years ago, I don't even pay attention anymore. I stocked up back then, and kept it up all along, and in between all of these ridiculous panic buying, "shortages". All brought on by people who refuse to prepare. And you don't have to be a "prepper". Just apply common sense. If it happened once, it will happen again.

First there was Columbine, back in 1999. Then there was the 2008 election, when everyone and their brother went nuts after Obama beat McCain. It was obvious to anyone with a heartbeat McCain was going to lose. Did anyone stock up? No, instead they waited to, "see what would happen". After that came Obama's reelection in 2012. Then they panicked, when for a minute it looked like the Assault Weapons Ban was coming back.

After that came the Sandy Hook shooting, that took .22 ammo off the shelf for over 5 years, because everyone went nuts. Standing in line to buy .22 ammo they had zero intention of shooting. Then came the Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando. Then the San Bernardino shooting. Then there was the Parkland High School shooting. Next on the list was the Las Vegas massacre.

All of these incidents caused runs on guns, magazines, and ammunition, in some way, shape, or form. Because only then people feared additional gun control. Even though the same A-Holes were in power through all of it. We were very lucky Trump was elected in 2016, or else we would have seen the biggest run ever, if Hillary had gotten in. Suppliers had product stocked to the rafters, assuming that she was a shoe in. Instead we ended up having a glut for over 3 years.

Did anyone stock up then? No, not in the least. Most sat around wondering when the prices would, "bottom out". Threads were everywhere on gun forums titled, "Is Now The Time To Buy?".... It was all becoming like some kind of game to them. They became a bunch of gun "Day Traders".

Now with ANTIFA, BLM, Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, Kenosha, and violence happening in major cities everywhere, ALL unchecked by law enforcement, and an election looming just around the corner, that could determine if our freedoms remain, NOW, suddenly everyone and their brother have decided that it's time to, "stock up". Well, it's too late...... Again. The "game" is over, and they lost.

So now they're all crying they need ammo, and can't get it..... Again. Or else they're whining how 9 MM FMJ Ball is $30.00 a box. Or .22 LR is back up to $50.00 a brick.... Assuming they can find it. And is it their fault? No, of course not. They're blaming places like Cheaper Than Dirt for overcharging. But did they buy any when that same 9 MM was $8.50 a box less than a year ago? And was as common as dirt, and came with free shipping? No, of course not.

Instead today, (and this is an old story), every gun forum on the Internet has over a dozen threads that start out, "Does Anyone Know Where I can Get"...... People never seem to learn. Regardless of how many examples they live through. I'm sorry, but my sympathy meter has dropped to zero from all of this. Especially after watching it play out time and time again over the last 20+ years. People need to wise up and take notice. The problem is that should have happened 2 decades ago. But again nobody noticed or cared. If Trump loses next week, perhaps Big 5 or Wal-Mart will have a few baseball bats left for the sheep that can swing one. Rant off.
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