Short notice of SHOOT EM UP movie this week


New member
For those of you who get the Encore cable channel or have friends with VCR's and want to know when to avoid the world's most INTENSE shoot-em-up, it will be on this Thurs AM at 2:25 (Calif. time)
"Assault on Precinct 13" will be on and should probably be avoided by all responsible adults so don't watch it. It is no good. All fulla cops, punks, all sorts of guns, shootin, blowin up, an general mayhem that we all detest.
Particularly awful is the number of casualties accounted for by the awful scoped broomhandle Mauser used by the ugliest guy in movies. Then, too, is the impossible situation of being hopelessly trapped in a closed police station with nuttin but bad guys after the good guys.
There is just too much noise and awful things going on for good taste, so be sure to avoid it if possible. If you are not able to avoid it, don't say I didn't warn you.
Assault on Precent 13 is a 1974 movie,
& I think I remember watching it about 5 or 6 times, but I have not seen it in about
8 years now. Was good though! I dont have encore, but I have that movie in my vidieo
archives, somewheres. I wish I had taken the
time to fillin the labels!