Short Barrel Shotgun/Ammo & Tactical Shotgun Recommendations

Hey everyone.

I'm trying to broaden the array of firearms that I have and started looking into shotguns since I have a pistol and AR-15 already. So I started looking into shotguns and am looking for opinions and recommendations.

I'm looking for both a short-barreled shotgun (SBS/AOW) for quick maneuverability, smaller size and ease of carrying, and a regular tactical shotgun as just a regular long shotgun. Preferably semi-auto for both so as not to have to worry about taking the extra time to pump before firing more shots.

For both, I'm looking for ones that are as reasonably priced as possible and have a higher end capacity compared to others in its' category if possible.

Also, for the SBS/AOW shotgun, i was considering getting short shells like Federal Shorty Shotgun shells. But I hear these shells don't always work well with some shotguns.

Are these reasonable expectations when looking for these types of shotguns? What are your guys' opinions/thoughts on these?
Also, for the SBS/AOW shotgun, i was considering getting short shells like Federal Shorty Shotgun shells. But I hear these shells don't always work well with some shotguns.

If you are serious about running mini-shells… they are not going to work in a semi. Save you the time/effort/money. Personally, I’d suggest just staying at 2.75” as a minimum… especially with a large amount of choices for training.

For your sizes, I’d suggest getting one of the other firearm versions of shotguns… and while you can still do it, a pistol brace. Do an eForm 1, which will come back in about a month, engrave it, and add a stock. Very simple, and you can actually use the gun while you wait.

I have fingerprint cards ready, as I’ve been toying around with SBS/SBR a few guns. Kind of interested in where pistol braces are going before I make a decision one way or the other. Before I’m tarred/feathered for that statement, three guns with braces on them are guns that are in my truck from time to time, and considering I could conceivably bring one into work use (Federal L/E), I rather it not be something that will be used against me in court. Professional liability insurance isn’t something I look to test out.

In regards to semis, I’m personally against it. While semis are pretty reliable, they can be ammo sensitive. With the lack of ammo out there, can you be sure you’ll find stuff to run them reliably? A pump doesn’t care if it is low brass birdshot or 3” Magnums (if it is chambered for them)… it should run.

But define “reasonably priced.” I only bring that up because noticeably over $1,000 for one could be what you are looking at for a semi. I’d suggest to not look at AK pattern shotguns, since the magazines are the weak point (shells weren’t designed to be stacked in magazines… they were designed to be stacked in a tube). I also don’t recommend any of the two tube designs… such as the KSG. Had one, spent a lot to make it “functional,” but ended up selling because the controls were too different/to easy to set the gun up so it won’t load from either magazine (dual tubes are awesome on paper, but it’s TP in real life).

I’ve have semis, but the two are both hunting shotguns (11-87s). The one in my closet right now is a 20” 870 Police that I had redone in NP3 Plus. My TAC-14 with brace is a gun that gets tossed in my truck from time to time. I do have a Century imported PW87 (think Terminator 2) and Lee Enfield .410 musket… but both are more fun guns than anything else.

Obviously, I like Remington. It is a gun that I’ve been shooting for over 20 years. But after the restructuring of Remington… stuff like the TAC-13 and 14 are still non-existent… even though it is in their catalog. The V3 Tactical is a semi that I see some promise with… but don’t know if they are on the market yet.

Never was a fan of Mossberg’s safety, especially with a pistol grip setup (if you put a brace on a Shockwave… safety is pretty much not usable). I did have an Ithaca 37 for some time, which is another good option… if you learn the gun (easy to short stroke). Notable semis off the top of my head… Benelli M2 thru 4 lineup and the Beretta 1301.

There are the Turkish imports… but I put them along the lines of that Century lever action I mentioned… probably would work, but I wouldn’t trust it. I had a Turkish over/under that Mossberg slapped their name on… which I used for trap shooting. It went back to Mossberg three times (around 3,000ish rounds thru it) before I eventually sold it.
I’d suggest getting one of the other firearm versions of shotguns
What other version of the short shotgun are you talking about exactly?

Ok. So it sounds like maybe a pump would be best in general for all, but definitely for short shells. I might do a pump SBS with short shells for more capacity and a semi-auto long shotgun for ease of use. Just sounds like you have to use regular size shells or higher brass shells with those and not low-brass, which is what i was planning on doing anyway.
Short Barrel Shotgun/Ammo & Tactical Shotgun Recommendations

What other version of the short shotgun are you talking about exactly?

Other Firearm… not to be confused with AOW (Any Other Firearm).

Not technically a shotgun due to no stock being installed, and not AOW due to the OAL being over 26”. Kind of similar to AR pistols. Still a nice option for braces, but that will likely change. That being said, the front end of those guns are setup for 14” barrels. Easier to ultimately change out a grip/brace for a stock, if your end game is to SBS it. And you can get the use of it before doing the paperwork.

You can do what you like, but having messed around with mini-shells, I personally think it’s more gimmick than use. In a shotgun that holds five 2.75”… you get eight mini-shells. Cost more and are less powerful.

So, Aguila buckshot mini shells are a mix of 4 and 1 buckshot… holding 11 pellets (think it is 7 and 4, respectfully). 4 buckshot is a 0.24” ball; 1 buckshot is a 0.30” ball. Quick comparison… 00 buckshot is 0.33”. Their slugs are 7/8 ounce… most common 2.75” slugs are 1 ounce (will compare both later on).

Velocity-wise, the Agulia buckshot runs 1,200 feet per second (I want to say those numbers are from longer barrels, and not the 14” guns; helps because you can compare them better across the board). Being that’s all they offer in buckshot, and I don’t like to compare to stuff I’m not familiar with… here are specs for Remington 00 nine pellet, which I run; 1,325 feet per second. Might seem like not a lot of difference, but noticeably heavier shot size. Now, if you are going to mini-shells, I’m guessing recoil is a concern. Remington Managed-Recoil 00 is eight pellets, going 1,200 feet per second. Still a larger load, going a similar velocity. I’ve used them… but prefer the nine pellet.

Slugs get even more interesting. Agulia lists theirs at 1,300 feet per second. Remington does offer a 7/8 ounce slug… but it is their High Velocity line; 2,751 feet per second! Their more traditional Slugger (1 ounce) is listed as 1,680 feet per second. And they do a Managed-Recoil slugger… going 1,200 feet per second. I also prefer the regular Slugger over the Managed-Recoil, as POI is high/right on the slower slugs. Regular Slugger… POA equals POI in my TAC-14.

For a little perspective, Remington lists muzzle energies for their slugs. Regular 1 ounce Slugger… 2,742 foot pounds. The 7/8 ounce slug… 1,800 foot pounds (remember, at almost 1,100 feet per second faster… and about 1,000 foot pounds of energy less than the regular Slugger). The Managed-Recoil Slugger… 1,397 foot pounds. Agulia… energy is going to be a lot less. When I’m putting a slug into my shotgun, it’s for a reason… which is likely I want the energy behind it.

Federal does just a 4 buckshot load, a #8 birdshot load, and a slug in mini-shells. Buckshot is pretty comparable to Agulia… just not any 1 buckshot inside (which is the bigger balls). Their slugs are actually about 100 feet per second slower than Agulia, so same velocity as the Remington Managed-Recoil Slugger.

Shotguns are ammo limited… but make up for in power and flexibility. Trying to increase capacity, you are going to lose elsewhere. Mini-shells… it’s mainly power, partly reliability (they are finicky in regards to feeding).
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Maverick. Miniclip adapter.

Watch Paul Herril video clips on YouTube regarding bird shot for home defense. Instead of about it, he shoots drywall with targets behind it and targets with leather and bone.

Or save your money up and get a nice shotgun you can take to the skeet range or bird hunt with because after you build that thing… it goes “bang” most of the time (except when you struggle with shells it wasn’t designed for) and then what? What shooting skill will you improve with blasting away with a broomstick at 10 yards?