Shopping list...HK USP compact .45 on it?

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
I have slowed my acquisition of arms,for now. Someday, a Winchester 1300 20ga (once I figure out why I want a shotgun) and PPSh (yeah, keep dreaming) would be nice.

I looked at 44mag S&W or single-action Ruger. I also looked at TT or Colt Hammerless 1908, mostly for looks.

Recently, I saw a more-or-less practical one...yeah, that's the ticket. HK USP compact in .45acp. I think it holds 8 rounds.

Questions (I am too lazy to research):

- owners of it, do you like it?
- how's recoil compared to compact .45 Glocks?
- how expensive are spare mags?
- what kind of holsters would work for deep concealment?
- Does lack of ability to thumb-cock bug anyone?
- anything else you'd like to tell me?
- is it worth $750 (!), considering compact Glock (G??) is a bit less and holds more ammo?

Thank you.


First of all thanks for posting such excellent pictures on your website.

- owners of it, do you like it?
I don't onw one but I've fired a buddy's during a range visit. It's very smooth shooting. The DA pull could use some lightening but it's very mangeable.

- how's recoil compared to compact .45 Glocks?
Since the H&K fit my hand signiicantly better than a Glock 30 I felt the recoil to be less. The H&K has a small polymer band on the guide rod which dampens some of the recoil. It's not bad at all.

- how expensive are spare mags?
Couldn't help you here but you might want to cjeck to get a rough idea.

- what kind of holsters would work for deep concealment?
Again I cannot help you out. My buddy carries his in a fannypack.

- Does lack of ability to thumb-cock bug anyone?
Well you can thumb cock it but it's a bit tricky and probably not too safe. Pulling on the trigger slowly will begin to activate the hammer, at this point use your thunb to pullthe hammer all the way to the rear.

- anything else you'd like to tell me?
I like it a lot. The grip is very slim and workmanship, at least in the one I examined, is top notch. The barrel to slide fit is very tight. My one dislike is the ugly extended grip base plate. I for one would prefer both mags to have the shortened base plate.

- is it worth $750 (!), considering compact Glock (G??) is a bit less and holds more ammo?
They're a bit cheaper in my area, $689 but still more than a Glock. My buddy couldn't get used to Glock's Safe-Action and yet the SIG Sauer P220 was too big for him. The H&K Compact offered exactly what he wanted.

So many pistols, so little money.
My 45C:

Over a little more than a year, 2K rounds through it without a hiccup- I like it.

Less felt recoil, I think, and more glitches than my G23.

I have a personal source for mags so cost is an issue I don't consider.

Seen 'em in IWBs, but that's not my method of carry: secure secondary or belt slide.

It's in condition one carry so thumb cocking is not an issue.

IME it's an accurate, reliable, compact pistol and compares very favorably to my customized Commander and SW 4516.

That's a lot of $$ but you get what you pay for so know why and what it is you really want.

[This message has been edited by SKN (edited December 07, 1999).]
Like any gun - you need to check it out...
You want to look for a small 2 letter logo:


If you see that logo - you got a good gun in your hands...
Go ahead and do a quick function check. This makes the sales man think your still considering it... Ask for a better deal - haggle a little. If you dont act like your actually inspecting as if you would a Ruger or Smith - then the salesman knows he has you and you will pay full sticker.
Isn't that right Jake?

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Hey - have you seen the new Ultimate Super Tactical Match Gun?
HK! A Good Gun?
er... uh... I duuno! I have NO IDEA.
Love it...
It's where I send all of those who question my enthusiasm for guns. All of the nay-sayers. And it has been an integral tool to help those around me understand and accept guns as a crucial part of our society.
Just wanted to take a moment to say thank you. And Great Work... your pictures are incredible. Keep up the good work!

"'re thinkin was that 5 shots or was it 6? Well, you've gotta ask yourself one question: Do you feel lucky??? ...Well, do ya PUNK!?!?
I like the Altoids Shrine page...

No relation to the George mentioned there...

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Hey - have you seen the new Ultimate Super Tactical Match Gun?
Hi Oleg (the poster formerly known as Cornered {but cheery-I liked that} Rat);

I have two H&K USP .45 Compacts.
One is VERY accurate & precise. The other's precision is a disappointment, though quite good enough for "combat" purposes, that is, hitting the "A Zone" reliably at 7-8 yards.
The guns are not all identical, in other words, and I think one of mine is a bit of a "lemon", judging from others' experience and the other USP .45C I have.
That said, they're tough as bricks, and don't let anyone tell you different.
The grip is MUCH more comfortable than my Glock 30 (which I love, though it's a little like holding a 2x4), and the mags hold 8 rounds instead of 10.

Now, about your questions;

- owners of it, do you like it? Answer: Yes.
- how's recoil compared to compact .45 Glocks? Answer: The bore axis is slightly higher than the Glock, and compared to the Glock 30, I'd say the recoil is a bit more, but to a very minor degree. The "muzzle whip" accounts for most of this, due specifically to that higher bore axis, but it's really not much different in overall perceived recoil.
- how expensive are spare mags? Answer: About $45.
- what kind of holsters would work for deep concealment? Answer: It depends on "how deep" your concealment needs to be. I use OWB holsters (or shoulder rigs, in certain circumstances) with a covering garment (vest), and this gun disappears entirely with a Kydex belt holster from Blade-Tech or ANY of Lou Alessi's belt holsters.
- Does lack of ability to thumb-cock bug anyone? Answer: You CAN thumb-cock, especially if you get one with the standard hammer instead of the bobbed hammer, and as long as you have one of the Variants which permits the control lever to act as a decocker, there's no problem with safety if you decide to administratively lower the hammer. The standard hammer, with the longer spur, comes with Variants 9 & 10, on which the control lever acts as a safety but not a decocker, though the bobbed hammer can be exchanged for the standard hammer on any of the other Variants by an H&K armorer.
- anything else you'd like to tell me? Answer: 1.) I'd only carry this gun "cocked & locked", this being the only carry mode which makes sense for this gun. (That's why I own 'em, being left-handed, with Variants 2 & 10 permitting C&L carry without an ambidextrous safety being necessary. If I were right-handed, I probably would substitute a customized 1911A1-pattern gun for the USP, since the USP's DA trigger-pull is, well, not the best, though certainly workable. The SigSauer DA/SA transition is generally superior to that on the H&K USP series, IMNSHO, and IF I were going to be willing to adapt to the first-shot DA, all-subsequent shots SA transition (I'm not, I believe from experience in training that it's a liability), I'd choose the SigSauer system. I don't carry my SigSauer P220, though, for just this reason. If your intent is not to carry cocked & locked, by all means stick with the Glock 30, or the 36, if it ever becomes available.
2.) Get the flat magazine baseplates for CCW, rather than the extended baseplates. It makes a big difference for concealability, and your little finger will be fully supported by the grip frame without the extended baseplates, unless you have really big or fat hands, the grip frame of the USP .45 C being notably longer than the Glock 30.
- is it worth $750 (!), considering compact Glock (G??) is a bit less and holds more ammo? Answer: Who can say? In pure "value", the answer is probably "no", but these considerations are never based on simple economic comparisons. If you are able, and haven't done so already, by all means rent or borrow one and shoot it, carry & draw it from a belt holster, and definitely evaluate the DA trigger pull and DA/SA transition when actually firing the gun, not just by dry-firing, if your intent is to carry the gun in "first shot DA" mode.

Sorry for the nested parentheses in the above. Good luck to you!

"Potius sero quam nunquam."
About the bobbed hammer on Variants 1 & 2: By some strange set of circumstances, my USP (9 fullsize) V1 came with a spurred hammer. I fail to see why your local HK armorer couldn't switch out your bobbed hammer with a spurred one.

Racking the slide and using the decocking lever are sufficient, but I like having extra options available.

Exodus 22:2 -- Biblical precedent for home defense.