Shopkeeper shoots 3 would-be robbers


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<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Store shootings reignite debate over handguns
Post staff report

When Avondale shopkeeper Eugene Clifford shot three thugs who threw his wife to the floor at gunpoint and tried to rob his store, he thrust himself directly into the national debate over handguns.

''What happened is exactly why crime goes down in areas where there is an armed citizenry,'' says Gun Owners of America executive director Larry Pratt.

Counters David Bernstein of Handgun Control, ''The shop owner got lucky, because the chances of misusing a gun in that situation are very great.''

Clifford fatally shot one of the intruders and wounded two others. Neither he nor his wife were injured in the early morning incident.

Last month in Covington, Ky., an armed would-be mugger was shot and wounded by his intended victim who happened to be legally toting a concealed weapon.

And, last year, a Taylor Mill, Ky., pawn shop clerk surprised a pair of armed robbers by grabbing a gun under the counter and shooting and wounding the duo.

''These are good examples of why citizens should have guns,'' says John Snyder of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. ''The presence of a firearm is a deterrent to crime.

''People are tired of being victimized by criminals and tired of being victimized by politicians who say citizens shouldn't be able to defend themselves.''

Ohio is one of only seven states that doesn't permitcitizens to carry concealed weapons.

Kentucky began allowing concealed weapons three years ago and Covington Assistant Police Chief Bill Dorsey admits he's been surprised by the lack of problems.

''I thought we would have increased incidents of people using weapons and we haven't seen that,'' he concedes. ''To that end, I think it speaks highly of those (more than 50,000 Kentuckians) who have the license.

''Still, my overall feeling remains that the concealed weapons law has put more guns in our society, and unfortunately some of those guns could fall into the wrong hands.''

As for whether shopkeepers should be shooting robbers, Dorsey says it depends on the circumstances.

''If the shopkeeper feels the robber is of the mind to kill him, then defending himself might be the wisest thing,'' he said.

''But, in cases where the robber shows no intent to injure, I don't know that using capital force to keep him from taking 20 bucks out of the register is warranted.''

Terrace Park Police Chief Bob Bacon says firearms training should be mandatory for everyone with a gun, especially shopkeepers.

''Shopkeepers should be required to go through very intensive training,'' he said. ''Training has to go along with the right to bear that arm.''

Bernstein, of Handgun Control, figures the Avondale shopkeeper who shot the robbers is fortunate to have survived.

''It could have turned out very differently for him,'' said Bernstein. ''Sometimes it's better to give some money away than to give your life away.

''It all depends on the circumstances, but more often than not, it's better to play it safe than sorry.''

Pratt, of the Gun Owners of America, says law-abiding citizens should be permitted to counter gun-toting criminals.

''Since the police can't be everywhere, armed citizens fill a void,'' contends Pratt.

Publication date: 09-09-99[/quote]

Note:I noticed the antis' comments in this article all speculated on how this situation could have gone south for the store owner because he used a gun to defend himself and his wife. Never once did they mention just how far south it could have gone if he did not! (you know, about 6 feet south...)


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
referal #2005932

[This message has been edited by John/az2 (edited September 10, 1999).]
The Anti's have a pathological need to deny truth and reason.

There is no point in arguing... Reminds me of the Monty Python skit about the Argument Session... If you remember that old one...

"Supreme authority derives from a mandate from the masses. Not from some farsicle aquatic ceremony."

The Critic formerly known as Kodiac

Mind if I call you Bruce? Yes, I remember Monty Python very well!!

What ticks me off is the anti-gunners speculating constantly about what could have happened.

But it didn't happen!! The gunowner and the gun did exactly as they should have.

Speculating about what might have happened is a pointless exercise -- it's like saying I could have got involved in a car accident tonight on the way home, because I drive a car.

But, of course, the media pick up on that speculation -- and print/broadcast it gleefully.

Has anyone ever seen a newspaper story presenting the flip side of this situation: An unarmed shopkeeper gets killed during a robbery and a pro-gun rep gets to speculate about what might have happened had he been armed?
There was a case down here a couple of years ago where a young woman was carjacked, driven to a remote location, raped and murdered.
Her assailant was captured, and during his trial he kept insisting that the sex with his victim was "consensual".
The jury didn't buy it and he was convicted and sentenced to be executed.
It came out afterward, in an almost unnoticable statement in an article, that the victim had been a member of the local chapter of Ceasefire.
This organization, like all gun control groups, advocate adopting a posture of non-resistance in the face of crime.
Give the criminal your wallet.
Let him have the keys to your car.
Allow him to rape you.
And when he's through, he'll go away and leave you in peace.
Suddenly, I saw this case in a much different perspective.
The criminal in this case didn't have much of a police record, certainly nothing to indicate that he had ever done anything like this before.
I wondered what might have happened if she had resisted him. Would she still be alive today? Would he be on death row?
We'll never know.
I struggled with the idea of presenting this revelation in a letter to the local newspaper. But the victim's family was undergoing an unimaginable grief over her loss, and I decided not to add to it.
I sometimes wonder if I did the right thing.
The anti's don't have the slightest compunction about dancing on the fresh grave of a victim to advance their flawed philosophy. I can only hope that in the final analysis, we are rewarded for our restraint.

[This message has been edited by Karanas (edited September 10, 1999).]
Inherent in the anti's position is that the criminal will act reasonably if cooperated with.
So, someone sticks a gun in your face to rob you....hmmm, reasonable behavior.
His partner, eyes your wife or more...hmmm, reasonable behavior.

They decide to have some fun.....after there are witnesses....

I want to know the reason for all this trust and faith in the reasonableness of a criminal

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Hurray for Avondale shopkeeper Eugene Clifford!

He protected his wife and his property against superior odds and only
those who deserved it got hurt.

But I swear, these “you should roll over and play dead” types give me
colon problems:
However, for thrice, I must agree with HCI (Hardened Criminals,
1) Their mouthpiece, one Mr. David Bernstein, said “'The shop owner
got lucky, because the chances of misusing a gun in that situation are
very great.''
Bernstein is right! The shopkeeper is lucky that the scumbags’
proficiency was a mere perception rather than fact (as was the
shopkeeper’s apparent proficiency).

2) HCI’s disarmament dipstick is also correct that the “... chances of
misusing a gun in that situation are very great.” He’s 100% right!
The “poor underprivileged robbers, who had adverse childhood
relations with their step-fathers” committed (or attempted to commit)
a felony, assaulted an innocent person, brandished a firearm and
apparently threatened deadly force. That constitutes a 100% misuse
of a firearm.
And the shop owner gave an appropriate lesson to the mis-users!
Hoorah for Mr. Clifford.

3) Bernstein, Mr. HCI, opines the shopkeeper is fortunate to have
survived. You bet! And good fortune, also called “luck” is often
where preparation meets opportunity! Lock and load!
HCI - Hardly a Clue, Inc.
On the other hand, the shopkeeper only rehabilitated one of the three
robbers. The other two were given remedial training but apparently
survived. Hmmm. Perhaps a few Mozambique drills are called for....
A slap with the TFL clue-bat for Covington Assistant Police Chief Bill
Dorsey who’s “been surprised by the lack of problems” but still feels
those who do not measure up to his personal standards should be
unarmed and die rather than carry concealed weapons. (May
chiggers, fleas, and mites infest his most private parts!)

Then again there may be hope (another swat for the clue-bat)! He
postulates, ''If the shopkeeper feels the robber is of the mind to kill
him, then defending himself might be the wisest thing.'' Duh! Do ya
think? (You pay their tuition, you send them to school, and all they
do is eat the covers off the books!)

Swat three for the clue-bat is when this brainless be-badged butthead
says, “... I don't know that using capital force to keep him from
taking 20 bucks out of the register is warranted.''

Really? If I came up to him with a drawn gun and very slowly, so he
could understand, said, “I will not harm you if you give me your
money, badge, and gun,” do you think he might reconsider his
position? Hirsute hinny! Hypocrite!

If nothing else, let’s ask this dimwit exactly what dollar amount
WOULD warrant “capital force”.
Even the FBI, a rather besmirched, self-proclaimed paragon of virtue,
admits that armed good people make armed bad people forsake
criminal careers (they probably take up welfare!).

So, a pat on the back and a Shiner Bock for shopkeeper Clifford! And a
round of Shiner’s best for the Fighting Kentuckians who are helping to
eliminate the lower species from our gene pool!

And to the “Staff” of the Cincinnati Post, a suggestion. Take your
journalism training from Benjamin Franklin, not Paul Joseph Goebbels.

Vote your conscience, not your fears.
Libertarians support RKBA!
Gee whiz, DC, don't you know it's cause they're not criminals...they're just misunderstood, and besides, mommy didn't love em, daddy was a meanie...blah blah blah

Where I live, breaking into someone's house is considered a prelude to violence and deadly physical force is a legal defense against someone who is using or about to use physical force if they are caught burglarizing our homes or attempting kidnapping, burglary, robbery, forcible rape or sodomy, or assault in the first or second degree.

Which is why I live where I live.
Karanas, I understand emotionally why you did what you did. Some time ago, I would have reacted in exactly the same manner. Not today.

Things have gone too far, too fast. The anti-self defense movement is winning this battle. When we see situations like you describe, I believe we must diplomatically but forcefully point out that inconsistency. Do it for the children - and, I'm not kidding. Your kids and mine, our grandkids and so on will not benefit if we allow too much civility to obscure reality. Men and women in this country need to wake up. Part of being an adult is recognizing and dealing with reality. It's time to deal with it honestly.

DC, I think most human beings are decent folks. They cannot internalize the brutality of many criminals. They don't understand how someone could steal from them without mercy, rape a woman or child with actual enjoyment, and murder another human being without caring about their suffering. I still cannot understand any of this myself. But, I do recognize that these people exist, as does everyone else on this board. That gives us the strength to consider appropriate responses. I honestly don't know how to help people who refuse to recognize these criminal realities, and I believe that is the operative word - they 'refuse' to see reality.

Regards from AZ
While in EMS I had to work with the results of human ignorance, stupidity, and cruelty. I know it's there. But, as you say, it is hard, perhaps for many of us it is impossible, to comprehend and accept.
I was really shocked to learn that there were people who would kill me for money. Then I found that there are probably more who would do it for nothing.
With all of the hooplah about human goodness and nobility, do not overlook the fact that some people are plain evil and some just dont care!

Better days to be,

There are times, my friend. There are times.

Were it not for the consequences, I can think of a couple instances (both on my property) that I would have cleaned up part of our gene pool.

On one occasion, it was my screaming little girl and my frantic wife reminding me they needed me at home rather than in prison, that stopped me.

But I was much younger then. ;)
What kind of people are out there? Well, let me relay you a story...

A friend of mine worked for the Sheriff's department (in Georgia - Douglas Co. to be specific) where Billy Sunday Burke was being held (Burke was head of the Dixie Mafia - he's in prison for multiple counts of murder), and this is how it was relayed to me. BSB and one of his friends broke into a house to rob it, & while they were there, the woman that lived there arrived and surprised them. Billy shot & wounded her, then she started running around screaming. Thinking she'd alert the neighbors, Burke finished her off with another shot, and the two continued with their business and left. Days later, Billy's friend called and said he just couldn't get the image of her running around screaming out of his head, and was going to turn himself in - but not to worry, he wouldn't mention Billy. Billy said he was feeling bad about it too - why, he was thinking about turning himself in, too, so why not go by and pick his friend up and they could go to the police station together. Well, he picked up his friend, drove him to the woods and gave him a shovel. After he had dug his own grave, Burke killed him & shoved him in it and covered it up.

Billy finished the story by saying "That was the best friend I ever had."

He claimed to have killed at least 56 people, not counting minorities (not the word he used).

The part that really bothers me is that everyone I know that met him (about half a dozen people) said that Burke was a likeable fellow, somebody you'd never suspect. In fact, the Sheriff and he got to be friends while he was jailed there (strange, considering he had plans to kill the sheriff before he was caught - yes, the sheriff knew about it).
Here the Letter to the Editor address, in case you wanted to tell him how much you liked the article (I did[g]).

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Kentucky began allowing concealed weapons three years ago and Covington Assistant Police Chief Bill Dorsey admits he's been surprised by the lack of problems.

''I thought we would have increased incidents of people using weapons and we haven't seen that,'' he concedes. ''To that end, I think it speaks highly of those (more than 50,000 Kentuckians) who have the license.

''Still, my overall feeling remains that the concealed weapons law has put more guns in our society, and unfortunately some of those guns could fall into the wrong hands.''

Wow. Impressive flaw in reasoning, here, even for an anti-gunny. So, having a carry license means you'll get more guns? Um. No. Can anyone show me that New York had more guns than Texas when NY had provisions for concealed carry and Texas didn't? (Thank you, George W.!)

The man has had his previous belief completely refuted by facts, and yet he STILL holds his prior view that guns are inherently bad. As a matter of fact, I believe we should use his logic for a second to prove that more guns are not only crime-inducing, they are crime neutral, or reducing. If more licenses elicit more guns, as he says, and he completly admits that no increase has been found in violent crime,(I'm betting there was a slight decrease, actually. National trend without regards to guns.) then more guns per person CANNOT be a hardship on society--

Train the shopkeeps? Okay. But do it in High School, just like driver's ed. There's more guns in our nation than cars. Why do these hoplophobes INSIST that the danger is that untrained gun-owners will hurt themselves or others, and then throw a FIT if we try to include gun-safety classes in public primary and secondary schools? Even if their parents don't want them to touch a real gun, they can learn THE FOUR RULES (does anyone notice I kinda harp on this?), and how to keep the muzzle pointed safely. With these classes, and some Conflict Resolution classes under their belt, they'd be even better prepared when they got their CHL. Shopkeepers are just people. Don't discriminate.

Question: What is the difference in the danger of a cop having a gun and a private citizen having a gun, in the eyes of an HCI member?

Answer: Training. Otherwise, cops would need to be like bobbies, with billies only.

So, how do we make the rest of the gun owners safer-- eliminate guns from society(impossible, faciest), or manditory gun safety training in school?

Pipe dream, I know-- doing this would be to admit that guns are not inherently evil in their own right.

Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Question: What is the difference in the danger of a cop having a gun
and a private citizen having a gun, in the eyes of an HCI member?

Answer: Training. Otherwise, cops would need to be like bobbies,
with billies only.

Nope, sorry...its not training...they don't support training for "regular" citizens...its the official designation of government...i.e "our side"
You don't see a single word, not one single damned word from HCI or any other anti-gun organization when the cops go off and kill innocent people.....always keep that in mind....not one GD anti-gun word when the cops kill the wrong person

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Follow-up to my last post...

Tom Hayden, now a Calif State senator, founder of SDS and close pal with the Weathermen...a couple of those other boys have gained "respectability" as well...they weren't against guns or any other way of killing people when they were not "the government" they are and now they are against guns....hmmmmmm..smell fish here?

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
The story is from Cincinatti($hit hole of the State of Ohio). What do you expect from them, fair play or an agenda?

First story says Homicide is at a 15 year low, and gives everyone a warm fuzzy.
<A HREF="][/URL" TARGET=_blank>

Same edition, buried down in the publication is the real story. 1999 looks to be a record year for homicides.</A>

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Isaacs is the 23rd homicide case in 1999, compared with 18 by this date in 1998.

Cinci has one of the most restrictive set of gun control laws in the Country with their no semi auto anything. It hasn't helped a bit. The violent crime rate continues to climb in cities such a cin and Youngstown, where they are a sort trip away from the CCW States of PA. and KY. Cincinatti is just one economic downturn away from being the Capitol of Murder USA. As a pergentage of population, they are right up there with the big boys. There are numerous stories of thugs crossing the Ohio river from KY into Ohio to commit crimes of violence. In KY you may get shot, in Ohio, if you get shot you still win, crime does indeed pay in this State as poor Cliff is about to find out. He was/is 100% in the right, the figures support his actions, violent crime is on the rise, homicides are up, he stood a good chance of being injured or killed. When the dirtbags are through with him in civil court, he will be penniless. Our whole system here is badly broken. Ohio just plain sucks. Fortunatley my time here is shortening every day. You do what you can, but it isn't enough to stand up to the propaganda machine of the press. What makes Ohio so bad? It is a wannabe State. It has no identity of it's own. It wants to be like everybody else, and,,,,,but I ramble on. Sorry.

CCW for Ohio action site.

[This message has been edited by Hal (edited September 11, 1999).]
I say several things to antis when incidents like this come up. We recently had one in
San Antonio where a shop keeper shot one
of a team of three. One being wounded allowed
them to be arrested later. They were found to
be the same people who had killed an unarmed
shop keeper previously.

I tell antis:

May your daughter or relative work in the
Stop and Rob without guns.
May mine work in with the an armed civilian.

May my daughter live her night shift job
and cross the parking garage with a gun
and may your's have none.

(Some dipsticks say my daughter wouldn't
work in such a store - but then I say - so
you discriminate against the working poor
in their ability to defend themselves)

If we are ever out together in an evening
and as we go our separate ways in the parking
ramp (assume a business dinner) and I turn
to see you struggling with a evil doer -
I will go get help, I will use my cell phone,
I will be a good witness and that's all.
In no way will I compromise your philosophical
beliefs by stopping a beating or kidnapping.

If we are accosted simultaneously, in no
way will my defensive actions enter you
in my equations. In fact, if I get the
drop on the bad guy, I will ask you if
I can inform him that you are unarmed
and that I will take no gun related actions
to defend you. I will advise you to cooperate
with the BG. I will be a good witness.

Face the night alone with your soft
office hands, sucker.

Rant mode off
