Shootout: New 66 vs Old 66


Member Emeritus
Five different commercial jacketed .357 Mag loads, new 66 snub and minty old 66 snub.
25 yards off a rest.

New outshot old.

Some spitting from both.
Old got my left cheek, new got my right cheek.

The CorBon 140 did something weird I've never encountered before, and I've shot my share of .357s.

In the old 66, it shaved the jacket & deposited CorBon copper jacket material in large enough chunks wedged between the forcing cone & topstrap to bind the cylinder. I had to chisel it out with a small screwdriver & hammer.
Happened once.

In the new 66, same thing, happened with four different CorBon rounds.
Have you checked the cylinder throats? Maybe they're too tight and peeling/skinning the bullets on their way out of the cylinder. Or maybe the CorBon bullets are too big.
Nope, have not.
Suspect the ammo, since it happened in both guns.
Just never had a problem with it before.