Shootings vs. Local Laws

wolf 1415

New member
Can someone direct me to some information?

I'm interested to find out the local laws in effect at the time of each high profile shooting incident.

I want to find, or compile a chart that shows what happened, and how many existing laws were broken.

For example, In washington DC, I believe all handguns are banned, right? What about Chicago?

We need to reinforce the truth. Armed criminals will always prefer unarmed victims. Even a suicidal shooter does not want to be shot by a potential victim.

The last Texas shooting occured in a church right? One of the few places where CCW is not allowed.

All help is appreciated.

"If cowardly and dishonorable men sometimes shoot unarmed men with Army pistols or guns, the evil must be prevented by the penitentiary and gallows, and not by a general deprivation of constitutional privilege." Wilson vs. State, Ark. 1878 or will have links to the state/local laws in nearly all municipalities and states.



"[Even if there would be] few tears shed if and when the Second Amendment is held to guarantee nothing more than the state National Guard, this would simply show that the Founders were right when they feared that some future generation might wish to abandon liberties that they considered essential, and so sought to protect those liberties in a Bill of Rights. We may tolerate the abridgement of property rights and the elimination of a right to bear arms; but we should not pretend that these are not reductions of rights." -- Justice Scalia 1998
Sounds like an effective tool to get a message across to anti's. They tend to be fairly simple sort that can't be unduly stressed by facts and reality. Perhaps a simple chart with some graphics is easy enough for them to grasp without undue difficulty. Please share your results with the rest of us!
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Can someone direct me to some information?

I'm interested to find out the local laws in effect at the time of each high profile shooting incident.

The day after the Columbine shootings, Rush was on the air with a specific number of existing laws that were broken. Don't remember what the number was ... but you might be able to get the number from Rush's people?

"Experience should teach us to be most on our guard to protect liberty when the government's purposes are beneficial. The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well meaning but without understanding." -- Louis D. Brandeis