Shooting Yourself As Political Protest

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A College of Southern Nevada sociology professor shot himself in the arm with a .22LR in the campus bathroom to protest Donald Trump. I’ve seen performance art taken to ridiculous levels in political protest before; but this is a new low.

I wonder how long beofre the professor’s stunt is used in a statistic to argue for more gun control? The forerunner of a new media strategy to convince people that dangerously mentally ill people are getting their hands on guns?
Well there were severally felonies listed that won’t get prosecuted.
I’d like to hear Glenn’s perspective on this one.
Bart.....i would bet this never gets any traction because it is one of their minions

how about a strategy argument that we have DANGEROUS MENTALLY ILL PEOPLE TEACHING OUT YOUTH!!!!

this idiot missed,,,should have been waiting for the flash to go off,,,,,,but im sure it isnt his fault,,,,Trump made him do it

or how about the fact that he had a firearm on the campus???? im sure they have a gun free zone,,,,,so i wonder if he will be charged with anything like all the other nuts that have taken guns to school,,,,,im not a betting man but i would be on the side of NO HE WONT

Heaven help us! I am a big believer in the right to protest most anything that tips your boat. I'm also good with peaceful civil disobedience to make your point. Committing several firearms felonies while putting others at risk crosses the line. A fatal self inflicted wound might have made his point better and ended the threat...

If I accidentally shoot self in the bathroom of a local school while using the toilet I am going to prison. We'll see what happens here.
sociology professor shot himself in the arm with a .22LR in the campus bathroom to protest Donald Trump.

Maybe. That's what he told a bystander, but was it the truth??
Maybe it was a suicide attempt, and he just chickened out....

Then decided to claim it was in protest against Trump, so as to not look quite so bad...and to gain sympathy from other Trump haters...

Generally speaking, protests are done in public. Not in the bathroom.

Is he going to claim his act was an expression of free speech???

Which begs the question, do we have the right to injure (or even kill) ourselves as an expression of free speech, and thereby protected under the First Amendment???

Or, does it fall under the "pursuit of happiness" clause??

Either way, or neither, I guarantee you there are lots of people who work in law enforcement, medical, and mental health fields who believe they have a responsibility and an obligation to stop you or I from doing that.

Most people who deliberately injure themselves to make a point, are considered mentally ill.

Most people who do something as a protest against something do it so the public sees it. They do it to bring attention to their cause. They don't go hide in the men's bathroom and do it away from the eyes of the public.

Very thoughtful of him to leave a note and a $100 bill for the janitor, but rather thoughtless (and I suspect criminally negligent) to leave the (loaded?) handgun on the bathroom floor for kids to find it....

To me, claiming he shot himself (in the ARM!) as a political protest doesn't just smell, it reeks...

It's reported a preliminary hearing will be held on the 17th. I think the good Professor ought to be put away, as a danger to himself (and others), but we'll have to see what happens at the hearing...
Should have been fired.

Academic freedom and freedom of speech don't protect dangerous wrecklessness. If I was that person's academic dean or college pres they would have been fired.

Life is good.
Prof Young
Let's do our best to refrain from yielding to the admittedly strong temptation to make comments about his aim, etc., or this thread will go down the drain, rapidly.

As to using this incident as a statistic for more gun control, of course they will. It did happen, after all.

The Professor will have his (first) day in court, soon. We'll hear then, what, if anything he claims as his motivation for breaking multiple laws, and shooting himself.
He SHOULD be charged with 3 felonies; so he SHOULD lose his job and spend many years staring out bars of the NV prison in Lovelock, NV
If he was suicidal, then imprisoning him is stupid. Let's wait to see what investigation brings out.

So cursing him out because he said something about Trump isn't productive.

Would you curse out someone who did a suicidal protest against a politician you didn't like?

Close to close, friends.
The decision about his academic tenure will be one heck of a faculty senate meeting. Arming teachers has some interesting consequences.
If he was suicidal, why did he shoot himself in the arm and not the head? IMO, this was a publicity stunt, AND multiple felonies and he should get to feel the wrath of the NV prison system....
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