Shooting without glasses


New member
After ~150 rounds through my new Marlin I lost my glasses. Not my safety glasses, my prescription glasses. I'm not completely blind, and I can see the target and the rings without them but it's not as defined and clear as I'd like it to be. Also, when shooting over 25 yards I can't see where my bullets are landing, making it hard to adjust.
Should I try to learn to shoot without glasses or head out and grab another pair before picking up my rifle again?
Eyes aren't like bicepts my friend, in my experience you're going to make your vision worse working your eyes so hard.

Get the glasses.... actually get two pairs.
I have mild astigmatism. The stock iron sights on my various rifles look fuzzy, as does the target. The other day I had the opportunity to sight through a Ruger 10/22 with TechSight apertures, and voila...perfectly clear.

Eventually I'm getting a Merit sight, but have to wait for funds.