Shooting with the youngun.


New member
So I finally got out to do some more shooting with my remmi the other day...

Took the oldest boy with me (eh.. if ya can call 26 a boy). The one who had been giving me such a hard time about my "old timey junk".. I swear the kid actually thought I had lost my mind LOL. I have tried to instill a sane and practical approach to "prepping" in all of my loved ones, and they are all well acquainted with firearms but usually of the milsurp variety. So the boy just couldnt seem to figure out why I would want this over say a glock, or my personal fav the Makarov.

Anyway... I had worked up some 35gr 777 with .454RB and lubed wad before hand... Fairly stout load as you guys know. He didnt seem to gung-ho for the trip, but seemed to have the attitude "what the heck, its a chance to shoot something at least"..

I knocked out a couple rounds and that seemed to lift his eyebrow just a tad, so I handed it to him to finish off the other three.

I have tried to impart the wisdom of being a man of few words (something ya probably couldnt tell by my posts! LOL) to the lad, and he seems to understand it most of the time.

So after the final three in that cylinder, I asked from behind his right shoulder if he still thought this BP stuff was just "weak tired old crap" as he had previously put it. In somewhat typical fashion he really didnt respond to the question... He simply turned around, with this HUGE cheesy grin on his face, handed me sidearm and asked "You gonna load some MORE?"
