Shooting weak handed


New member
How many of you practice on a regular basis shooting one handed with your weak hand for the purpose that if your strong hand becomes injured and unusable, you will be able to use your weapon with your other hand?

I started doing this and I'm glad I did because I haven't realized how bad I am shooting with my left hand(I'm right handed).

I am not awful at it, but my shots do go to the left quite a bit. I don't seem to have the same sight alignment and steady grip when I shoot left handed compared to right handed.

I need to practice, practice. Something new to work on at the range.
The early days of IPSC included off hand fairly often . Then it became less common since there weren't many actual cases where it became necessary.However it's a good thing to learn. Some find it helpfull to rotate the left hand clockwise about 15 degrees for a more rigid grip.
I tend to be able to shoot left or right handed at pretty much the same and sometimes do get weird look when I switch hands depending on the firearm I am using.
Just the other morning at the range I practiced draw and double tap, kneel down and shoot, right hand only and left hand only.

when I shoot left handed, i use my left eye and close my right. When I shoot right handed, either two handed or one handed, I use both eyes open, and either focus on front sight only or focus on target only. For precise shooting, I close my left eye and use my dominent eye only.

I practice with reading glasses sometimes so I can see my sights, and sometimes I will practice without glasses. The sights are very blurry because of my aging eyes.

Try dry firing with you left and it will start to feel more natural. Shooting with some .22 will help get you used to left handed, without the recoil at first. Good for you, most people don't even practice any single handed shooting.
Weak hand shooting is something everyone should practice occasionally and those of you with CCW's should do it more often.

There may come that time when you need your strong hand to perform some task while firing with the left -- pulling your child to safety comes to mind, or trying to start the car.

Try working with your off (weak) hand slowly. Learn to grip the gun properly, position the finger correctly and use the sights. Those who have a dominant right-eye/hand have to adjust. The 15 degree cant to clockwise is a good suggestion. You'll have to adjust your stance as well.
I usually run a couple of mags with my weak hand (left) each time I go to the range. Its amazing how poor of a shot I am, but I'm getting better.

I do have to adjust more since I am right handed and right eye dominant. I don't want to get into the habit of switching eyes, this way I will be always trained to do things consistently.

I haven't tried one handed yet with my left hand. Pretty scary thought :eek: but definitely something I will work up to.

Getting use to both hands was one of the first things my instructor said to do doing my lesson.
It's good to practice with the weak hand on occasion, so you're ready for those times when you got two handguns with 30 round magazines and a group of armed thugs coming at you. :D

Nah, but seriously, I practiced shooting left handed once just out of curiosity of how well I'd be able to do and found that it was rather difficult to do. Very awkward and uncomfortable. I'm sure one would be able to shoot well with his weak hand if he practiced enough. Never really thought about the hurt hand scenario. Maybe I'll work this into my shooting just to practice it.
Shooting With Weak Hand

Just Like I Was Taught In The Navy, I Always Practice Shooting With My Weak Hand Everytime I'm At The Range. To Qualify For My Chl In Ohio, I Had To Shoot With My Weak Hand Un-supported And Strong Hand Un-supported Then Strong Hand Supported. I Also Practice Racking The Slide With One Hand Either With Left Or Right Hand. My Dad (god Bless His Soul) Also Taught Me While Growing Up To Practice The Above. It Would Not Hurt At All To Always Practice Shooting Off Hand. BY THE WAY, I ALWAYS SHOOT WITH BOTH EYES OPEN.
Just Like I Was Taught In The Navy, I Always Practice Shooting With My Weak Hand Everytime I'm At The Range. To Qualify For My Chl In Ohio, I Had To Shoot With My Weak Hand Un-supported And Strong Hand Un-supported Then Strong Hand Supported. I Also Practice Racking The Slide With One Hand Either With Left Or Right Hand. My Dad (god Bless His Soul) Also Taught Me While Growing Up To Practice The Above. It Would Not Hurt At All To Always Practice Shooting Off Hand. BY THE WAY, I ALWAYS SHOOT WITH BOTH EYES OPEN.

No offense, but that's VERY hard to read. Must take a while to type like that, too....

When I go to the range, I try to practice one handed with my weak hand. The interesting thing I noticed, though, is that I shoot better one handed with my "weak" hand than with my "strong" hand. However, two handed, I do better with my "strong" hand.

I figure the extra practice can't hurt and, as was already mentioned, you never know when you may need to shoot when your strong hand is preoccupied (for whatever reason).
Weak Hand

Started shooting more weak hand when arthritis started setting in a few years ago. Wish I had started much earlier. :mad:
I shoot about 1/4 of my practice weak handed. My groups aren't very tight, but I am confident in my ability out to 15-20 yards. I worry more about having to draw with my off hand. I carry iwb with a tuckable holster at 4:00 so its a bit awkward to draw left handed.
I practice with the weak hand mainly for competition. In the real world there isnt a lot of call for it. For starters, most of us wear holsters on our strong side so accessing the gun with the weak hand would take quite some doing.
I do believe in shooting strong hand only a lot, especially at closer distances.
I respectfully disagree, there is probably more call for the ability to shoot Weak handed in the real world than there is need for it in competition.

I think I shoot weak hand about once a month in IDPA.
How many times in real world situations has anyone shot weak handed?
What about reloading

Assuming this practice is for situations when the strong hand can't be used, or the weak hand for that matter, how would you quickly reload a revolver one handed?
A friend recently showed me how he practiced reloading an automatic by holding it between his thighs but what about a revolver?
Anybody practice this?
Reloading a revolver one-handed is much easier than reloading a semi-auto one handed.

Between the thighs to hold the weapon and one hand to load. Works with either style. Racking the slide one handed is really tough. With a revolver, all you have to do is flick the cylinder into place.
I shoot weak-handed once in a while, but not nearly enough. When I have to shoot an IDPA stage weak-handed, it's an absolute travesty.

For practical applications, though, I'd consider it a necessary skill. It's definitely not an idea that's just for competition.