Shooting Vest

I hope this is the right place to ask. I can't get away to try them on, but I need to tell my family what size of a shooting vest to get me for Father's Day. Is there a rule of thumb? I would take a medium polo shirt if not for the belly.
I've found that they are sized pretty large across all brands. I wear a size L t-shirt and polo and its pretty snug across the shoulders. A medium shooting vest from Beretta or Browning fits me and has a little extra room in the belly.
Use the same size you would for a windbreaker or light jacket.....and most of them have some adjustability ( straps on sides ) don't go oversized...

( my word man , I wore a med when I was 12 )))...not to be mean .../ I use the browning deluxe mesh vest / 4 pockets up front - big rear pocket...good vest, lots of storage... ( I wear a 2XXL if that helps - and my normal jacket is 2XXL).

Cheaper vests eliminate some of front pockets, or rear pocket - or don't have recoil pad sewn into vest... ( nice to have extra pockets for glasses, ear plugs, etc...)
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Damn, Jim. I would have thought you would have killed a buffalo and made a vest out of its skin. You only have a few pounds on me, as we are both svelt. I have been struggling to get and stay under 180. A large jacket is really too large for me, so I guess I will go with a medium, which fits Rob.

It just seems a shame to wear additional clothes that deprive the world from gazing upon my Adonis like person. You should wake up screaming if you read this before retiring for the night.

Seriously, if I can't shoot well I may as well try to look good.
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No, a Grizzly... :D / have a good week.

I'm down to a svelte...6'5" and about 289 this am...( big breakfast ) :D
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5'10" and 190. Sounds like the mythical average size guy they build the guns to fit. Thanks. Between you and Jim I think the medium will be fine. Since it would be a Father's Day gift to me from the son, I want to make sure it fits so he isn't disappointed.
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I tired on a Barry Allen, which was the only brand they had where I was shooting. The medium was definitely not fitting my belly. The large was a snug fit. I checked when I got home, and it looks like Barry Allen is sized a bit smaller than Browning.
You mean BOB Allen?

You could always get a Castellani, Shoot The Moon, John Storm or other. Personally, (and since I put on weight like Jim's size) I prefer a canvas half dove vest and work suspenders. It's a little cooler than a regular vest and since it has been 99 for 5 days (and more to come) with a heat index hovering around 110 with 90% humidity - the half vest is nicer. Cabelas has a few.
Ok, feelings are hurt now.... :(

Browning has an "athletic cut"....( that one is not your size - or FITASC for that matter ...) !! I used to be Athletic ( now I just wear my shirt out ).

and a "Regular Cut".../ all or most of their vests come in regular cut...and they have a bunch of different styles.
It might get into the 70's next week...but it was in the 40's last nite...and mid 60's today... When it gets really warm ( over 80 ), I switch to a belt style Browning canvas half vest as well.
The only bison cut I want is served on a plate. Yeah, Bob Allen; not Barry. Anyway, I told my kids to forget about a vest. It is too much money for them to spend and if I ever learn to shoot decently I can probably afford to get myself what I want. If I ever need a tent, maybe I can borrow an old vest of Jim's.

Now THAT is mean.