Shooting two handed vs one handed


New member
Went hand gunning today for the first time in a while. Fired S&W 617, S&W 629 and CZ 75 compact PCR. Indoor range at 10 yards. Since it’s been a while, I wasn’t surprised some bullets went astray (yes, it was me) when shooting two handed. At the end of the session on the 617 and the CZ75 PCR, I tried one handed and was surprised when my groups tightened up considerably.
There is no way I’d attempt shooting a 44 mag revolver one handed, but I’m wondering if anyone else shoots better one handed than two handed?
A long time ago I did -- when one handed was the way I shot on my Army unit's shooting team. Now, in real life, I shoot handguns almost exclusively two-handed and there's no way I can be nearly as accurate shooting one-handed.
When I shot Bullseye and qualified for work- I'd say I shot just as well 1 or two handed. It was my goal to become just as efficient shooting off (weak) handed only. I was nearly there, and let me tell you- that is a more perishable skill than just strong side shooting.
All the shooting I do is timed competition, and while I can usually get good hits both strong- and weak-handed, I cannot do so with much speed.
When shooting handguns, I use 3 hands, sort of. 2+1 =3, right? ;)

I use either one hand or two depending on the gun, the load, and the type of shot I want to make. I have handguns ranging from .22LR to .45-70. SA and DA, hammer and striker fired, semi autos, revolvers and single shots.

I shoot them all, one handed, or two handed, depending on what I feel like. And, I do it offhand most often standing. At ranges from 0 to 200yds.

IF you hit your target and you don't get "bit" there's no wrong way to hold a handgun.

Anyone who tells you different is selling something....:D

One of my favorite "games" is shooting off hand, one handed, left hand in my back pocket, shooting at the 200yd gong on the rifle range. My favorite for that is my Ruger Blackhawk 7.5" .45 Colt. I can do it with any gun you hand me (after a few sighter shots with an unknown gun & load), and have. Once I "have the range" for the gun I'm shooting I can usually hit the gong about 70% of the time, or better, provided the gun is accurate enough to do it.

Yes, I will happily shoot a .44 Magnum one handed. Also things that recoil less and things that recoil more... I do usually shoot my bigger heavier handguns two handed, but mostly my offhand is there to help hold them up, not because I need additional help with control.

I don't consider myself physically exceptional in any way, or highly skilled, but I have practiced a bit..:D
Anymore I can barely hit $__t with 2 hands, let alone one!!! Glad I got the pistol sharpshooter ribbon (circa '91 / '92 ish) when my eyes and hands were steady.... :D
I guess I'm just old school. I seldom shoot two handed unless it's really long handgun range, say 100 yards.
Yes ... I notice it also but never realy thought about it .
I shot NRA Target Match Bullseye for over 20 years and just chalked it up to that know , shooting one handed all those years ...slow fire , timed fire and rapid fire with 22 LR , 38 spcl and 45 acp , puts a lot of memory in the muscle .
When shooting one handed , slow fire I just naturally get serious about sight picture and trigger control ... it's when I do my best work under 50 yards .
Any long range work and I'm looking for both hands , a tree , a post , sitting ... any kind of support to steady the aim - hold .
I routinely practice shooting one-handed and with my off hand.
I can usually put them center mass, but not as accurately as I can when shooting with two hands.
Everyone should be able to shoot one handed comfortably. Might have a situation where your life depends on it due to the loss of the other hand/arm.

Then again, most will never run into a situation where the gun is needed in a life saving situation, but you never know!
I'm right-handed. I shoot more accurately with my left hand than my right. I only shoot one-handed occasionally, just to remind myself that I can do it.
All early handguns, and, indeed all handguns to this day are intended to be fired with one hand. I don't know of any that aren't. Do you?

You can certainly choose to use two hands, but only one hand is required to fire the gun.
I always shoot my 45 Colt Vaquero one handed & do pretty well-just doesn't seem right using two hands & I've yet to see a western with a cowboy shooting two handed that I can remember. I'll go to two hands for the longer shots with the semiauto pistols but I mix it up a lot, Never know when you may need a hand free or maybe not have a usable one.
Look at the general design of SA revolvers, the shape of the grip intentionally allows the gun to roll up in the hand during recoil. This puts the hammer spur closer to the thumb for easier cocking repeat shots.

The idea of keeping a firm "shooting" grip at all times didn't exist, until DA revolvers came into use. The SA was intended to used one handed, because, until the horse was no longer the primary means of individual travel, your other hand was expected to be "busy" with the reins. Or possibly, a saber...;)
Am almost always shooting 2 handed with my strong hand. Looking at pistols that have squared/grooved fronts to the trigger guard, indicates to me they are designed to give a 2 handed option. Am not a very practiced one handed shooter, but can manage up close.

Also practice weak hand and find it easier to function with just one hand up close.
I have been a Bullseye shooter for many years. A long time ago, I noticed that i shot better one handed. To this day, when someone asks if I would like to shoot their gun, I say yes and shoot it one handed.
The only exceptions are handguns like the Encore that are chambered in rifle cartridges and have barrels 12-15” long. Just cannot do it anymore.
I only shot one handed when I had to. Shoot 2 hand weaver and in SA mode no matter what gun I’m shooting.