Shooting to the left


New member
I have a Sig P238 I sometimes use for CC; the sights are good - I checked them on a bench. But when shooting it, either one handed or two handed, I tend to hit slightly to the left. E.g., firing one shot per 1 to 1.5 seconds at 7 yards, they tend to hit 2 to 4 inches to the left. Is there a standard cause for this? I've been shooting for decades, and have numerous other handguns, but I just have this issue with this gun. I'm figuring it's with my grip or trigger finger or something. In a self defense situation, being 4 inches off can be significant. Thanks.
Assuming you're right handed: (If left handed, its the opposite)

If the gun shoots well from the bench, but when you get on your hind legs, it shoots to the right, simply side your trigger finger out of the trigger guard to the right a tad.

You can adjust your impact by placement of the trigger finger. If shooting to the right, slide it further into the trigger guard, if shooting to the left, pull it out.

You indicated you don't have that problem with other guns. The new one may just be different enough that you finger sticks further into the trigger guard.

This is one reason I like laser sights on pistols. When dry firing, you can watch the dot and see what finger placement does to the dot when the hammer falls.
"You indicated you don't have that problem with other guns. The new one may just be different enough that you finger sticks further into the trigger guard."

Well, the difference is that this one's pretty small; it's a SIG P238, pretty much like the Colt Mustang. My other guns are full size - Ruger Blackhawk, 1911 IPSC gun and whatnot. I love this little gun, but my hand just swallows it.

Re: that web site. Interesting - that round chart shows the opposite of what kraigy said about the trigger finger. But it's definitely in the Bookmarks.
You push your finger the way you want the group to go.

It doesn't take much. To determine how far to adjust one's sight, you divide the sight radius by the distance in inches. That is how much you move your sight to move the impact 1 MOA.

So lets say you have a 3 inch sight radius, and you are shooting 25 yards. 25 yards is 900 inches. Divide 3/900 = .003333

Lets say you are off 6 inches at 25 yards. That is 24 MOA, 24 X .003333 is .0833.

Meaning, all you have to do is to push (or pull) the gun .0833 to get it off 6 inches at 25 yards.

Two little finger on the trigger causes you to push (to the left for a right handed shooter) and too much trigger causes you to pull (to the right for a right handed shooter). .0833 isnt much, and its hard to detect, but it will cause you to miss by 6 inches at 25 yards.

That is why you need to pull 'straight to the rear".

Again, I can't stress enough the value of the laser sight in dry firing to work on one's trigger control.

If you have a laser, dry fire, push your finger into the trigger guard and see what happens to the red dot. Pull it out and see what happens.

You cannot see .0833 movement of the front sight during dry firing, but if you project that movement, to, lets say 15 ft. the same 6 inch era would be 3.6 inches. Meaning your red dot from the laser will jump (in our case) 3.6 to the left of the aiming point.

You can't see .0833 movement of the sight, but you can see a dot move 3.6 inches.

Again, not enough finger on the trigger, Pushes, too much finger on the trigger Pulls.