Shooting tips from Phil Strader

I probably should not even comment, as I cannot claim to be in the same class as someone who shoots for living (envy here!!), but one thing IMHO he does wrong and would get him killed in a fire fight. He uses a two hand hold. That is OK IF you have to be out in the open and facing your target, but that is not a good place to be and is something I believe is to be avoided if at all possible. Using a two hand hold demands that to bring the gun into play, half the body has to be exposed to return fire. My feeling and the way I was trained was to expose as little of my tender hide as possible. That means I learned to shoot with either hand (though I'm best with the right hand), keeping the gun close to the wall (i'll risk a ricochet) and exposing as little of me as possible.

The second (again IMHO) error is to come out of cover (or concealment) standing up. That means that your head and center of body is exactly where the opponent expects them and where his gun will be trained, waiting for you! If you break cover with your gun and body mass low (or, less likely, high), you throw the opponent off - you (and your gun) are not where his mind says they should be, and that gives you an advantage.

OK, guys, have at me. Just don't use real bullets!

The matches he wins has plenty of one handed shooting.
No doubt he's pretty good at it.
And he probably includes it in his classes as well as the use of cover and concealment.
There's just so much that can be demonstrated via the web.
Real instruction and training requires attending actual classes.
The online stuff no doubt is mostly to get our attention.