Shooting Supplies in Atlanta?



I've recently gotten into shooting black powder revolvers (I have a pair of Remington '58 replicas) and I've found it difficult to locate shooting supplies locally here in Atlanta. Plenty of gun shops, but really spotty for supplies.

Found powder at one place, but had to source my caps and some other items up at Bass Pro Shops..

Net is, the only "comprehensive" suppliers I've found are online, and I'd really prefer to patronize a local place!

For what it's worth, everything I know about black powder shooting so far, I got from this forum!

Thanks in advance,

I buy some stuff locally

but I find that the prices are really best on-line and you can find what you want when you want and have it shipped to your door. These are the same places that the gun shops buy their stuff from and most will mark it up beyond the discount that they get - understandibly.

More and more people are doing this which is why there are fewer and fewer physical storefronts out there.

I've tried David's; no joy.

Yeah, the online places are well stocked, and can be cheaper (even after the $20 hazmat charge), but I do so enjoy actually PICKING UP things and purchasing them! Oh, well. A guy's gotta get his powder where he can, I suppose!


Yoy can buy powder at Bass Pro, but you have to ask for it at the Gun Counter, they keep it in the back. I think the guy told me they keep it locked in a safe.