Shooting styles?


New member
Do you shoot 1 or 2 handed?
The old one handed stance looks so cool but isn;t as steady.
I sorta want to try hip shooting more. Ya can get pretty close!
The S/A hammer fall is so slow that 2 handed you can control the rest that you need to keep everything alighned till it fires.
Modern Revolvers S/A works faster!
Been watching a lot of old westerns and they sure used some weird holds and shot like they were really shootingblanks!
We all know real ammunition acts much different.
C&B is the slowest but the most fun!
Love the fire and smoke! And lack of recoil!
Next to that I like the ,38 Spec and the .45 LC firing manners!
In the old westerns, they used to throw lead. I been shooting pistols for lets
see, well 60 years. Just sitting here thinking in all that time I don't believe I
ever saw anybody shoot a pistol with two hands. Except on TV. Not in person.
We used to and still do call them handguns. Not handsguns. My daughter
started when she was 5 years old using one hand. My wife never has had two
hands on a pistol in all the years she has shot. All the clubs I shoot at it's one
hand only. That's the only way we know how to shoot. Trying to hold one hand
steady is hard enough, I wouldn't want to try holding two hands steady. I think
it would be a handicap to us. But to each his own. You do what you think best.
The only time I use two hands is for a really long shot and as for no recoil you must use some pretty wimpy loads.
Yes in comparison with the modern stuff they have today, I would suppose my
loads are wimpy. You see over 40 years ago I was shooting 300 grain bullets
at a chronograph speeds of slightly over 1250 fps in my Ruger Blackhawk.
250 grain bullets at 1400 fps. This in a 4 5/8 barrel. This is chronograph
speeds. Compared to the stuff they have today, yes that is wimpy. But so be it.
That was a long time ago. At my age 71, I can't even shoot those old loads
anymore. Just getting too old and soft. Got to stay with the light stuff and
little kids loads. Down to carrying 225 grain bullets at 1100 fps in my CCW
3 inch 44 spl now. Oh well time marches on. What can I say.
For SASS competition a I can fire faster if you cock the hammer with the left thumb and trigger right finger, so two handed.
I do have some arthritis especially in my right hand.
I have been a CAS shooter for 18 years and for the last 10 have shot gunfighter with Colt .44-40's and a full case of FFG black powder.:)
I don't do CAS, but I tend to shoot one-handed. Even with semi-automatics.

Obviously if I'm not hitting what I'm aiming at, I'll switch to two hands, but one paw is just more comfortable to me.
I pretty much exclusively use one hand for shooting cap n' ball, unless the gun starts getting really heavy (read Walker or Dragoon!) or I really want maximum precision. Than I use a standard weaver stance.

I certainly don't enjoy seeing other people do the whole "tactical" isoceles stance with the looking left and right for "danger scan" purposes etc. etc. when shooting 19th century and some early 20th century firearms!

Jus't ain't kosh-uh!
The only thing I shoot two handed are my modern revolvers - 38 specials. Even though they are DA revolvers, I usually shoot them in SA - utilize the left thumb to cock the hammer. I've always shot BP handguns with one hand.

kwhi - I would think that you, your wife and your daughter would be the prime example of "WHY" to shoot with one hand! LOL :) You all are "crack shots" and inspire us all! I'm curious - and I've been too lazy to look it up - so will ask as I know you probably have the answer. In the pistol competitions, is there any NMLRA rule that would prohibit a person from shooting with two hands?
Yes. The 100 yd match you are allowed to use two hands if you want. Also in
the bench matches also. Wife won the 100 yd match a few years back but she
used one hand hold. Also in the 60 and over optical match you may use two
hand hold. Everything else and all revolver matches are one hand un- supported
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This is our daughter shooting at the a nationals when she was 12


Mr. Piburn, Do you have more photos of them shooting or their targets and guns? My girls also love to shoot; they like full size Remmy's and G&Gs. I show them the posts on your wife each year and it helps keep them enthused.