Shooting stance...


New member
Hello, I have been lurking on this forum for a while now. It has given me great info on various subjects. But, I went through the 'search' process for shooting stance info, but there is so much and not sure if any had pictures. What I am looking for is pictures of the various shooting stances. I am new to shooting and am having trouble with my stance and getting it right, well whats right for me. If anyone could give me a link, post some pictures of your own or someone elses, or a link from this forum, it would be much appreciated. Thank you.
Many believe, as I do, that the Weaver stance is the way ahead; but whatever works for you is good.

To get into the weaver position I always tell people to imagine that they are boxers and that invariably gets them into that position of having their torso slightly oblique to the target, left foot forward and arms ahead and bent at the elbow. Try it and see if it works for you.

I read a terrible piece of advice from a trainer who advocated getting into the weaver stance by taking a step back - NEVER do it. You are subconciously giving ground even before you begin; ALWAYs step into the attack because you are becoming aggressive in assuming the stance. Your mindset should be spooling up to combat the 'fight or flight' reflex and control the epinephrine dump that is about to hit you.

I believe that one's mental attitude is key; if you are committing to using your weapon you want your head in gear!
Isoceles or Weaver? In a variation of the "Buy both" mantra, learn both. They both have their place. I've often found it easier to start with Modern Isoceles when introducing shooting stances because there's less to think about as far as feet and arms go. Then go to Weaver and Modified Weaver/Chapman, which places more emphasis on arm and foot placement.

Yes learn both ! Ayoob's "Stressfire " is a good source for that info. If you intend to carry a gun get the best training you can find !
"ALWAYs step into the attack"
Hmmmmm. I think I'll take a pass on this bit of advice. Separating yourself from your attacker is ALWAYS a good idea. Distance is time. Movement throws off the attacker's aim/timing. If you are a good shot, distance give you a further advantage.