Shooting slings

I mean actual shooting slings, not carrying straps.
I'm a big fan of slings for field shooting. You can't always find a rest, and bi pods are bulky and get caught on things Imo
But the more I look at various slings the more expensive an actual shootin sling seems to get. (80$ for a vtac sling with cuff?! And the same for Galcos safari ching sling) What kind of sling do you utilize that actually aids in shooting? I'm trying to find stuff that works for my 700, as well as a 2 point sling that could work with my AR 15. Thanks gents
My favorite is the M 1907 military rifle sling as used on the '03 springfield rifle WW1 & 2. They are still made for national match military rifle comp. you can roll your arm through it in a hasty sling position for some support or detach the butt end and use the front loop more like a match sling, also a great carry sling.
+1 on the M1907 sling. I like the canvas M14 sling as it's commonly called, but the metal clip on it rattles something awful.
I like the TIS for a high end bolt gun. I also have a couple quick adjust 2 points from Spec Ops gear that work well as a hasty sling.


Spector Gear:

Spec Ops Gear:

I have had great luck with all of these for their purpose. I find that I the hasty sling is valuable with a quick adjustment. I also find this a great way to carry muzzle down and tighten the sling tight to my body to get through tight areas when hunting.
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I like the 1907 slings for target shooting, but noting beats the Ching sling for a hunting/field type sling.

The Ching type work fine as a carry sling, and are pretty much instantly a shooting sling, with no fiddling or adjustments needed (other than initial set up). All you do is stick your arm through the loop, and youre slung up.
Wow Lotta love for the 1907, and I like the look of it. And how you don't have to detach it from the rear swivel to use.
Any more love for other stuff? I'm trying to stay away from CW slings since I don't want to drill another hole in my rifle, but if there's a ching sling that works with only two points that'd be good.
Also what about those 2 points for AR type rifles? Anything that truly let's you loop up our there?
but if there's a ching sling that works with only two points that'd be good.

A unicorn that poured beer from its horn would be good too, but there's none of them either. ;)

A ching sling pretty much requires a middle point. Savage tried to make a two point sling that was supposed to work like a ching and included it on its early Scout rifles, but it never worked very well.


I like a plain nylon strap. A military sling is great for target work, but it's too heavy and slow for hunting. A properly setup hasty sling will work wonders for your field marksmanship and weighs very little.
I don't care for the military slings on a hunting rifle. This is the best compromise I've found. It works better for carrying the rifle, is considerably lighter, especially the 1" version, and still works pretty well as a shooting sling.

I don't care at all for a bipod attached to the rifle either, but carry one of these in a side pocket in my pack.

The sticks combined with the sling give near bench accuracy with some practice using them.
I'm also on board with the Montana slings. I want to give a 2-point Ching type sling a try at some point, but I've shot so much with the Montana sling that it may not be worth learning something new even if it's a little better.
I liked the thought of a 1907 sling, but struggled to find one to buy in New Zealand and I had hoped to find something that did the same thing as a 1907 sling, but didn't have to be "set up" to be used.

I ended up making my own sling out of nylon webbing which did what I had hoped but wasn't quite right.
I then made a version 2 sling, which turns out is quite similar to this:

I can use it as a normal sling and in a second have a similar set up to the 1907 without the need to adjust or move any buckles or hooks.
Should clarify what I mean by two point: is there any sling that will allow me to carry my AR in the traditional across the body two point carry (ie vikers sling, vtac, etc) and still let cinch up from that position? And I mean truly slung up with a loop and pressure on my support arm, not just a hasty sling. Thanks guys
OK this is going to set the cat among the pigeons with regard to the ching sling.
One has existed (sorta) for a hundred years or so, but its not in vogue currently.

You take a standard adjustable 2-point sling, I like the Uncle Mikes ones with the instant adjust & lock.
Then you attach a sling swivel at the mid point of the forend, in such a way it does not beat on you left hand.
Now run the sling from the normal front sling swivel to this third swivel & adjust the length till it's comfortable.
It the old British "Cavalry sling", essentially the front half of a ching sling. To carry you just carry butt up over the left shoulder, to mount the left arm passes through the loop & pulls back as the rifle rotates round & up.
shooting slings

I do a thing with conventional two point carry straps that seems to work pretty well. The only drawback is one has to dork with the swivel and a keeper for a moment when first setting the rig up.

Describing same takes more words than I care to use, but in use, the rear swivel is detached, and the loop formed between the sling and buckle (amidships) is snugged onto the bicep like a 1907 by the keeper, and you roll into it the same way as a 1907. The sling can dangle from the front swivel while on stand, and get reattached when ready to move. One can also attach the sling to the bicep and carry the rifle in the crook of the left arm, but that grows old after a short bit.

It works, and is no slower than a 1907 by my reckoning. I make'em generally from SKS slings and Uncle Mikes swivels, and GI type 2 slot buckles cut from old packs and such. The keepers I fashion from old belts, or, sections of the SKS slings, doubled over, stitched, and glued.
Maybe you need to think out of the box. I get milsurp slings from shoulder bags or what ever. Pick up some sling ends from the LGS and I then have a wide sling that adjust like the 1907.
I outfit my hunting rifles with Brownells Latigo slings.

For my AR's...I have a Vickers 2 point on one --- And I heard the padded Vickers is pretty good --- though it's harder to transition to the off shoulder with a 2 point sling compared to a single point sling.

I have Magpul's MS2 single point/2 point on my other AR...though I heard that the MS3's and 4's are better.

I don't sling-up on my offhand shots with my two point sling hunting rifles, since I've heard that it doesn't contribute too accuracy, though sometimes I have a problem with sling swing, when I bring up the rifle quickly for an offhand/standing shot.