Shooting Sling--Mini-14 or AR-15


New member
I am thinking about getting one of the above but was curious whether a military style shooting sling can be used. The configuration of where the swivel connects on the Mini-14 gives me concerns it could force downward pressure on the barrel, negating the effect of using a sling. Any thoughts. Thanks.
Don't know if the accuracy of the gun suffesr with the sling on mini14...but accuracy of shooter (me) improves considerably with use of sling. I am getting slings for my other rifles now.
Since the sling swivel is attached directly to the gas block, which itself is secured to the barrel, any downward pressure on the sling will affect the barrel. Given that keeping the pressure at a consistent level while using loop or hasty sling (which isn't easy to attain - depending on the user and jacket), the point of impact will change.
I'm going to chime in here with a few questions. While a sling attached to the bbl can, in theory cause a shift of shots depending on the pressure exerted use of a sling definately improves accruacy.

So my question is what will the weapon be used for and how will it be used?

Are we talking competition here where you are all tucked in, with jacket, competition sling slung on you arm? Or are we talking about a hasty sling used in field work to take game?

I've got a Ching Sling on my AR. While it is a competition model I don't shot competition. Mostly I just paper punch for pleasure and use it as a expediant varmint slayer. It has all the accuracy I need for this work even using the Ching Sling.

Schmit, GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"
I think the Gunny just sumed it up very nicely. Will the preasure on a sling change the impact point of you rifle? Yup it sure will. If it is attached to the metal(barrel)
Will you be steadier using the sling? Yup. Used properly you and the rifle become more of a unit.
Does the pressure of the sling make a noticable differance in the field? NO.
Does the use of a sling make a noticible differance in the field? YES.
Moral Use a Sling. Any type than will help you "get into" the rifle better.
Thanks for your replys. I use a military type sling when shooting my other (hunting) rifles and find it is a great aid. I started this post because I don't recall seeing a sling being used on AR-15's, M-16's or Mini-14's, for that matter. I use a sling in sitting and prone positions primarily (as outlined in Cooper's The Art of the Rifle) but am not and have no interest in competition shooting. I am considering converting all of my rifles to the Ching Sling by installing a third flush swivel mount just forward of the action. I am thinking about a Mini-14 and was wondering whether I should do the same.
You might also consider a sling I had heard of previously, but also saw in use this past weekend. This is a Giles (pronounced 'jiles') tactical sling, and it makes it much handier when working with an AR-15. I don't know of a web site re: this product, but it can be had in Arizona at The Wilderness, 602/242-4945. However, for use as support it will only work as a hasty sling, so it depends on your anticipated use of the rifle.

Good luck.