shooting range target monitoring


Hi guys. Hope i got the right thread with my question. My gunclub needs new scopes but we wan't to upgrade to some camera/monitor system so we can monitor the shots fired. Any suggestions for a system suitable for 6 lanes with camera and monitors?

Hi. We need the camera up close to the targets. The targes are 16 meters from the shooter stand so that's the plan:)

Thank's for reply.
Cameras up close to the targets is not a good idea. One bad shooter could easily destroy a piece of equipment that could easily cost a hundred dollars or more. The camera should be on the line with the shooter and focused on the target. There are systems available for this.
I don't have a link but saw a program on TV where I believe a range in the mid west had the system. When the shooter fired the shot would come up on a computer screen. I wish I could remember the name of the program. I want to say Jim Scouten was the host but that was several (4+) months ago so I can't be 100% sure.
No need for the camera to be downrange at a mere 16 yards.
With todays optics, even low priced zooms can easily see that far very clearly.
Heck, I have a $20 kid's quality telescope that can see a lot farther real good.