Shooting Range Shootout Ends Drama


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Shooting Range Shootout Ends Drama

Updated 11:05 AM ET July 7, 1999

SANTA CLARA, Calif. (Reuters) - A shootout at a California shooting range ended a bizarre
hostage drama during which three gun store employees found themselves staring down the
barrel of one of their own rented rifles, police said Tuesday.

Sgt. Anton Morec of the Santa Clara Police Department said the aspiring gunman, 21-year-old
Richard Gable Stevens, was subdued after tense moments Monday evening at a shooting
range and gun store in this town 30 miles (48 km) south of San Francisco.

"He intended to go out in a blaze of glory," Morec said, noting Stevens had accumulated more
than 100 rounds of ammunition for his rented 9mm semi-automatic weapon.

"It certainly looks like he intended to take a lot more people out."

Morec said Stevens arrived at the National Shooting Club Monday evening and rented the rifle
for target practice. The club allows people to rent a range of weapons for use on its own
shooting range.

After several minutes on the range, however, Stevens returned to the club's gun store and shot
at the ceiling. He then herded three store employees out the door into an alley, saying he
intended to kill them, Morec said.

Unknown to Stevens, one store employee was carrying a .45 caliber handgun concealed
beneath his shirt. When Stevens looked away, the employee fired, hitting Stevens several
times in the chest and bringing him to the ground.

The employee kept his gun trained on Stevens until police arrived, Morec said. When Stevens
refused to comply with police demands that he show his hands, he was shot again with several
rounds of rubber bullets.

Morec said Stevens was taken to a hospital where he was listed in critical condition from the
initial gun wounds. Criminal charges against him were pending.

Police investigating the case believed the quick action by the gun club employee may have
headed off a massacre.

"He was full of rage, and felt he was getting no respect," Morec said. A suicide note found in
Stevens' vehicle and addressed to his parents indicated he may have planned to go on a much
broader shooting spree, Morec said.

"Now you'll spend the rest of your lives fighting lawsuits from my victims' relatives and die with
only dimes perhaps," Morec quoted the note as saying.

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Oh that's just great. More fodder for the anti-gun crowd. The feeding frenzy will begin...

it happened monday night. Funny how the report changes. Yesterday, the report in a San Francisco paper said that the employee shot stevens 2 times once in the arms and once in the chest
I wouldn't quite call it a shootout. the initial reports from local papers made it sound so much less menacing

here is the report for the local paper

[This message has been edited by chink (edited July 07, 1999).]
His note would seem to indicate that he was going to kill people in the hope that the victims familys wold bankrupt his family?...did I get that right? Absolutely insane......fubsy.
"Absolutely insane"

Workable defense...he'll get sentenced to Atasacadero State Hospital (20 yrs ago was called ASH for the Criminally Insane) and released in 7 yrs. Meanwhile, there will be a bill introduced requiring checks and 10 day wait periods to rent a gun at ranges, and checks for anyone wanting to use the range. Think I'm joking?

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
ASH for the Criminally Insane

How... appropriate.

"Good Ash... Bad Ash... I'M the guy with the GUN!"

You can't get something for nothing,
You can't have freedom for free.
--Neil Peart
hmmm... why wouldn't the headline read "Quick action by local hero averts shooting spree" Oh yeah, the liberal media.


If the 2nd is antiquated, what will happen to the rest.
"the right to keep and bear arms."
Keith hit the nail squarely on the head!
Myself, I can't begin to imagine the stress of working at a rental range. Do these folks know anything about their customers? I am ingnorant of the procedures etc. at such a range.
Anyway, Keith has it right.
Good shooting, Hank
Your probably right, anything for media bad the shooting wasnt terminal....

I used to help out at a friends store and from time to time still do,,,,a new shooter who was downstairs with her family had rented one of the rental semi-auto's, I was the nearest to her when she came up waving the pistol around and stopped with it pointing at my belly or chest, I must have told her a dozen times to give me the gun or point it at the floor, my adrenaline dump was huge, I finally managed to get the gun from her safetly and she wound up complaining about my behavoir, needless to say I was pretty much not polite, her problem was the gun had not fired when she pulled the trigger, and yes there was a live round in the chamber.....fubsy.
Another good example of where some NUT sees someone in the media sensathionalizing events such as these and then getting ideas on how to get even himself.

I'm telling you guys that the media is your worst enemy! How many copycat McDonalds shootings, Texas tower incidents, Littletons, LA bank robberies, Johnsboroughs do you need to be convinced of it??

The MEDIA has the bloody hands here!! Their sensationalizing these events, their repeated broadcasting these attrocities causes copycat killings.

Does it surprise you that they ALWAYS. ALWAYS blame the NRA and gun owners??
GHet a clue, here, guys. It's not the NRA's fault nor is it yours and mine. The blame lies squarely with the violence spewing, pandering to your base instincts, grabage spewing MEDIA. Let me say it again...MEDIA, MEDIA, MEDIA, MEDIA!!!! Let's make it a dirty word...kind of like LIBERAL is a dirty word.
"Stevens had accumulated more
than 100 rounds of ammunition for his rented 9mm semi-automatic weapon."

So in other words, he bought two boxes of reloads. BFD. Do any of us have less than that for the guns we shoot? The guy got less than he deserved but these media people would make me laugh if I wasn't throwing up.
No, NSC will only sell you reloads if you ask for them. He probably got 2 boxes of PMC or Federal. They can charge you more for the factory stuff.

I've got more than 100 rds in my trunk cuz the buckets I put ammo in have crap covers

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?