Shooting Performance Defensive Handgun 1


New member

Spent the weekend in Pryor OK at Alpha Training Academy with Mike Seeklander. This was Level 1 of his Defensive Handgun series. Having previously attended several OK firearms classes I would rate this basic HG one of the most intense and well articulated. With only six shooters the instruction was fast. 3 students were high time Army with 1 of those retired. Experience of the other students and especially articulation from Seeklander helped me feel safe as this was my first handgun class with 360 degree live fire drills.

Day 1 consisted of approximately 2 hours class time, 2 hrs dry fire drills and almost 4 hrs live fire. Defense being the object, instruction covered draw from concealed only. Instruction included carry positions, pros and cons of different types of holsters, trigger control for various situations and most importantly building grip.

Day 2 started with three failure types and clearing techniques. Live fire drills in corner/cover roll out, off line movement, 360 degree pivots, covering friends/others from active shooter and intro to one hand shooting.

The articulation from Mike Seeklander was first class. Detail and focus reminded me of past military trained instructors I've had in tech schools. One reason I like these classes is exposure of training scars and difficulty reversing them. I have lots of work to do which makes the class worth every dime.
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