Shooting on the Move (SOTM) in Washington State


New member
I like to post this for several reasons here.

1) What other areas offer these types of shoots. Please note this is not a professional course - this is a "grassroots movement" to offer shoots by fellow shooters. They are what I imagine is a "middle" ground from regular range shoots to competition (IDPA or USPSA). Designed to help those interested in the shooting sports to those that don't want to compete but carry and want to learn the skills to better defend themselves.

2) If you live near Seattle - here's your opportunity.

So let's go shooting!

Details below:
Shooting Like the Good Old Days Practice - Shooting on the Move (SOTM)

What: Do the things you can't do at a normal range
Draw from your holster
Shoot on the move
Engage multiple targets
Double taps and more.

This is not a competition. This is solely practice for those that do choose to carry (openly or concealed). This is self paced guided shoot. Means that safety officers are at each bay and will give a general scenario for you to run and shoot -- it is up to you how fast and what pace you engage those targets.

In a competition you usually only shoot a scenario once, here you can shoot it over and over again (practice). Each bay has different scenarios that it will focus on but for those that have something they need to work on - we can be flexible, so long as it's safe and reasonable.

We'll be there Rain or Shine.

Renton Fish and Game Club (
Open to the public - you do not need to be a member. Have a good level of proficiency with your carry gun - meaning you can hit the side of the barn in front of you :-) and show safe gun handling skills.

Deadline to register (or until event is filled):
Monday, October 11 and Monday, October 25. No late entry or same day shooters meaning No Walk-on shooters.
Limited to 30 shooters.

How much:
Cost for you will be $35 for non members and $20 for members - to cover only target and facility charges. Membership to Renton Fish and Game Club is available onsite. For non-members this fee will allow you to shoot at the rifle and pistol range all day too!

This is to get the right mindframe for this type of practice. We are not fast draw nor is this a competition. We will guide and ensure the safety of all shooters as best as possible.

There are not many opportunities to practice from your concealed holster in the US, let alone in Washington.

My proposal has been to use the RFGC’s Action Bays to shoot steel plates and targets using your concealed holster and also on the move. Shoot as rapidly as you want and can safely handle. No full auto guns – thanks.

I want to develop practice training opportunities for CPL (concealed pistol license) holders and expose members of RFGC to a side of shooting many do not get to experience. Sure you can do this at an IDPA or USPSA (ISPC) match, but that's in a competition level. I wanted to present a fun user friendly environment for people to practice.

Safety First, then it's all good after that.

For non CPL (members or non members): Please be aware that this is a Cold Range (basically, don't have a loaded gun). Bring your gun in a case or holster (empty: no magazine or round in chamber). Absolutely no gun handling except on the firing line and in a Designated Safety Area. If you are seen handling your firearm behind others you will be asked to leave.
Violation of Rule #1 - failure to treat the gun with proper mindset.

Other things:
Safety First
I'm hoping this is a start of something fun for everyone. I really don't want to make it our last. Please be mindful that we need to be safe at all times.
1) Treat your Gun as it's always loaded, do not handle unless you are up to shoot DO NOT HANDLE YOUR GUN
2) Muzzle - only point downrange
3) No finger on trigger unless you are shooting

Please have a good holster (one that can withstand multiple reholstering). This may not be your soft carry holster - as it creates a safety hazard to frequently reholster).

Pistol or revolver - ANY pistol caliber is fine. I'm not biased so bring what you have so long as you can shoot it safely. Yes, that means a .22 is okay. Please do have a good holster that can withstand multiple re-holstering. A flimsy holster may be unsafe. Holster is not required but recommended - you will just have to case and uncase on the firing line.

Magazine Capacity - Please know there is no magazine capacity limit. This is practice so bring what you have and top off.

Please NO armour piercing or tracers, explosive rounds, etc. Good Hollow points or FMJ are fine. Frangiles are recommend but not required. Please stock up and bring lots of ammo.

I strongly recommend at least 300 rounds +

You can always shoot it another day. You can also buy some at the range too.

No Targets Needed. We'll use the stands for IDPA and get a IDPA targets to shoot at. You do not need any targets.

Distances of targets
The IDPA targets will be from 5 ft to 30 ft and steel plates will be out to about 30-50 ft (for safety).

Lastly, if you have any questions please let me know - you can send an email. I'm usually very good in responding within 24 hours or sooner.

Young Kim,
NRA Certified Instructor (pistol),
NRA Range Safety Officer,
NRA Life Member
RFGC and IDPA member

For those who have seen the progression of these shoots or to the ones that are brand new. Here's what's new for you....

You know you're going to be moving and shooting your handgun.....

As usual we will have the steel targets up and going and also our IDPA targets for close up work.

We will again have a rifle and shotgun set up too - so bring them. If you don't have one? We have plenty of shooters that are willing to share. Just buy some extra ammo for them (.223 for the AR like semi-rifles or 7.62x39 for the AK variants). Typically it's a.... buy a box for them and a box for you to shoot. As the shoot comes up: I'll email you what other shooters are bringing so you can try them out.

What's really new?
1) IDPA classifer stage
2) Car stage
3) Zombie stage
4) Moving target (work in progress)

*See below for details of each stage

Please know that you are free to move around from bay to bay (stage to stage). I have pondered the idea to shoot as a group but I'm one for keeping it free for you to decide.

"IDPA Classifier"
The reason I am incorporating this from IDPA is that it's a benchmark for you to judge yourself on a nationally recognized shooting organization. The basic shooting and scoring of this stage will follow the guidelines from IDPA - you'll shoot according to what everyone shoots in IDPA to be "classified" into your shooting group level. This is an optional stage - you do not have to shoot this if you do not want to. You can shoot parts of it too (see website below for info). The benefits is you'll shoot in various positions, scenarios... strong and weak handed, moving and from behind cover.

This is not only good for those interested to "see" how well they can shoot but also get a feel of what IDPA/USPSA has to offer.
Please note: we do not report to IDPA so the scores are only for your benefit.

Car stage
A vehicle was donated several years ago and has been used by IDPA/USPSA. The use of the car will be limited to just to get a feel for shooting in a vehicle.
1) Seated in the driver's seat, your firearm on the passenger seat - you'll engage targets out the passenger side.
2) The other scenario will be from seated position, jump out and draw and engage from the front hood and rear bumper/trunk area.
Muzzle control will be primary so no drawing within the car. We all have to make concessions in life. This may not truly represent real life but it's just meant to expose you to this all too familiar environment.

Zombie stage
Since this is October/November - I would like to add a "fun" stage. With multiple, multiple zombie targets - all shots are head shots from various distances. Fast and furious.

Moving target (work in progress)
I have been wanting to find a good easy and cheap moving target setup. I have put together some great minds and I think we'll present a moving target system at the shoots. Please know it's a work in progress. Our first attempt will be a simple side to side moving target. We are fortunate to be able to use several action type steel targets - they fall when shot but there is nothing like a true moving target - we'll have you move too! Just to make it that much more interesting. Please know you may be asked to take turns "being the motor" to pull the target.

So for the ones that have shot these practices before... we'll have the same things but again added something new too!

Please know I can't make everyone happy so I hope the following dates works for most of you.

Wednesday, October 13 Noon - 5pm
Wednesday, October 27 Noon - 5pm
Sunday, November 14 11-3pm

Hey, I know people work. I'm taking personal time off to do these. I'm finding it easier to schedule something on the weekday rather than a weekend (too many "honey to do list" items). So, if you can make it later - we can talk about pro-rating the fee. Send me an email to talk more about doing that.

If you have any questions:

Let's go shooting!
Upcoming shoots

I have two shoots coming up - April and May 2011

I am only sending out info to folks on my email list.

I will need your....

Contact phone
Brief shooting history