Shooting my 1851s


New member
I just took my pietta 1851 navys out to shoot for the very first time. One is a standard 1851, the other is the Hicock version. My first time shooting BP revolvers. WOW they were pretty darn accurate!! Put about 30 rounds through each one. No flaws or hiccups at all. Very pleased with them.
Yeah, I have a Pietta and a Gen 2 Colt. They are a hoot, and yes, they shoot well. Remember, Elmer got his start shooting small game with a 1851.
See, that's the fun of loading and shooting cap and ball revolvers. 60 rounds in an afternoon of shooting and you had a blast! 60 rounds in a modern semi-auto go down range in about 10 to 15 minutes (if you take your time) and you're done for the day.
yep I was at the range for an hour and a half to shoot those 60 or 70 rounds, lost count. But it takes time to load. I'll need to get a flask and capper to speed things up.
This is one of the reasons I switched to black powder. Cost per shot is about the same as modern cartridge guns but you shoot a lot less for longer, so you get more bang for your entertainment time.

Or you could just rest more and accomplish the same thing.

At a recent range trip, there were two fellas with a boatload of BP revolvers and rifles.
Being naturally curious I asked about them.
Many were brass frames and a few might have been originals.
They didn't offer to let me shoot any, too much effort in loading them to waste it on strangers.
Didn't blame them a bit with that.
Anyhow, they said that years ago, they had both sold off their modern guns and now only owned BP guns.
No paper work to bother with and as much fun and gun as they needed.
Kinda' makes sense in some ways.
Okay..This is getting to be a Maillemaker admiration day.

What he said about the experience is spot on.

The BPR shooting experience has so many parts that do not involve actually shooting.

First of all, the pistols are inexpensive enough that it is possible to own more than one giving the shooter an opportunity at true comparison.

Second, you have the maintaining of the pistol which almost always brings out the best in us.

Third, All BPR shooters are handloaders.

Fourth, The requirement for scrupulous cleaning of the pistols brings the shooting experience into the kitchen.

Fifth, the inherent beauty of the pistol serves as a sort of common denominator for every activity associated with shooting it. It s the thread that bind it all together.

Its like owning a sailboat. You better enjoy owning a sailboat about ten times more than you enjoy sailing a sailboat.