Shooting Lobsters??


New member
Well, not really, but the shoot was called the Great Eastern Lobster Classic, sponsored by Addieville farms and the Connecticut Travellers. This was a Sporting clays event held over three days in Rhode Island at Addieville farms. Since I volunteered to be a judge when not shooting I spent the entire three days busy as our northern neighbors national symbol.

Took a ferry ride from Long Islands Orient point to New London CT, then on to Rhode Island, amazing how small that State is. Anyway I started out Friday shooting preliminary rounds, didn't bring any smallbore stuff but there was plenty of 12 Ga action. Frankly I was rusty and shot poorly.

Saturday morning found me Judging at stand one on the Ruger course (Shoot had two 100 target courses Ruger and Travellers), found Judging to be tiring but rewarding, got to watch lots of good shooters do their best on a difficult simo pair ( two targets in the air at the same time for you non shotgunners)
After turning in my reports it was time for a quick lunch and off to the Travellers course for my turn in the stands. Did fairly well on a tricky european type course, lots of high birds over open areas. Couple of stands gave me problems and I missed several gimmies for a score of 68x100. I know I can do better, just need more practice. Saturday night we pigged out on lobster and steak (Burp).

Sunday morning it was my turn on the ruger course, a true new england grouse hunters delight! Lots of tricky simo's and report pairs in the woods. Really botched one station of really high and far tower shots that had everyone grumbling. But a young 16 year old named Rachel Clawson hit all eight targets, only one to do so apparently. Another high shot left me clueless, but the stations in the woods finally awakened the predator within and I started to run stations with instinctive shooting. Too late for a decent score but fun anyway. Shot 69x100. Definitely have to practice more!

Sunday afternoon found me back on station 1 as a judge, got to watch more good shooters and have fun with some guys I know.

Didn't win anything but enjoyed myself anyway.

Monday morning I stopped off at Peace Dale Range in southern Rhode Island. Run by Richie Frisella ( Who happens to be Rachel Clawsons grandad) the place is a shotgunners delight with stands and terrain that can't be beat. Richie is known for throwing wicked targets and he didn't dissapoint. After the round of sporting it was off to the FITASC field where I learned just how bad I am with a shotgun. FITASC is the international version of sporting with nasty targets at long distances, hoo boy do I need practice. After scrambling for the last box of shells and borowing a box from my Buddy Joe Massey I shot one last round of sporting before a mad dash to the Ferry.

Got home too tired to make the weekly bullseye match. Boy does my shoulder and head hurt!

Back next year! Try Sporting Clays, it is a blast!

Geoff (Where is the Bayer Aspirin!) Ross
That sounds like a heck of a good time.
I wish something like that would go down in my neck of the woods...
Oh - and with me having a day off...

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The Critic formerly known as Kodiac