Shooting in Seattle

Mike in VA

New member
Just heard on the news about another office shooting. Some guy went amok in an office building on the waterfront, shot 4 people (1 dead, 3 wounded), then fled on foot into a residentail neighborhood. Police are searching door-to-door with K-9.

A shame, of course, but also more fodder for the anti's. WA is a 'shall-issue' state I believe, too bad one of our brethern (or sistern) w/CCW wasn't around & able to help out, we could use some good pub about now. More details when they're available. M2

Another of the victims died. Still don't know who or why. If these things come in three's, this one seems to be moving from west to east (HI-->WA-->??) Some kind of craziness!?!?

[This message has been edited by Mike in VA (edited November 03, 1999).]
i heard today that the cops are going through neighborhoods and the term "lockup" of neighborhoods is being used by the cops. Lockup usually refers to prison teminology and,you guessed it, soon our neighborhoods will be prisons also. I guess the cops wont bother to ask people as they go through neighborhoods. Maybe hey will just beat down door! Common sense doesnt rule today. Warn the people if there is a nut loose like in the old days(a few years ago!) The people can call the police if they see a suspect. THere is no need for these sweaps,but one can see that it is a conditioning process to put the fear of the authorities into the masses. My rreaction if i see a bunch of black uniformed dudes roaminmg around my property will be one of figuring these guys are up to no good and may be trying to get me! Oh well, just another right down the tube!
Just had a coworker bring up a good point when he saw the headline:

"Why the hell do these nutbars always come out in pairs?"

"The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property, or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called in question.." Article 11, Section 13, CO state constitution.
The reporters beating the story to death on Fox kept remarking on how witnesses at the recent shootings in HI, WA and TX all remarked on the complete calm of the shooter. Is that fish I smell?

"In many ways we are treated quite like men." Erich Maria Remarque
I forgot to add that I dont worry half as much about a kook on the loose as i worry about scores of coppers armed to the teeth roaming through neighborhoods. Armed CITIZENS can handle a armed criminal. Our rights are really in danger with all these Swat teams roaming around. What happened to the friendly local peace officer we all used to respect? Gone with the wind. I dont remember hearing about coppers sweeping neighborhoods in the old days for John Dillinger or Pretty Boy floyd. Common sense used to rule. This term lockup of neighborhoods really galls me and it should upset all people worried about our Constitutional rights.
our CIA is expert in mind control and all these shootings do smell of something out of the ordinary. This blind trust in authority is unbelieveable.
2 dead, 2 wounded now. I go to UW, a couple of miles from there. Driving home today, I heard that the house-to-house searches have begun.

House-to-house searches?

Man, the time draws near.
I tell you what, I'd NEVER allow the "authorities" to search my home without a warrant. If they want a fight, that's the quickest way to get one....

Regarding the goblin, I love the saying I read (I think from here) awhile back. "If you're found here tonight, you'll be found here tomorrow..."

Did this work-place have a "Weapons Free" policy?

I would not be suprised.


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
Ivan, you should read a book entitled OPERATION PAPERCLIP. In it you will learn that we had special teams roaming through Europe in 1944 to get as many members as possible of Hitler's brain trust. There were Nazi scientists in country when the A bombs were rightfully dropped in Japan. They helped to finalize the Manhattan Project. A former high-ranking member of the Gestapo helped to organize the CIA. The U.S. Army Special Forces were initally the enfrocers for the CIA. The LSD experiments conducted by our government were started and conducted by, you guessed it former Nazis. Werner Von Braun was a card carrying member of the SS who proudly wore his black uniform for all to see, not just a scientist as we were always told. Otto Ambrose was a major player with the W.R. Grace Company and a Nazi as well. Our philosophy at the time was to get as many of the smart Nazis as possible to keep them from going to the Russians. BTW, MK Ultra or mind control was initated by Nazi henchmen who had perfected their methodology on concentration camp imates.

Yes, I have seen the helicopters and they're not black; they're dark green!

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."
Now hold on a minute here.

I watched a lot of the coverage today (I live near Seattle) and never saw any of the SWAT team members entering a house where they weren't invited.

And as for the stuff that happened outside the view of the cameras: Do you think that the Seattle Police would be stupid enough to search a house where they thought the suspect or evidence might be unless they had either a) a search warrant, or b) were in fresh pursuit of a suspect, in which case they wouldn't need a warrant, or c) were invited in? I don't.

The lockdown referred to was for several schools in the area. No neighborhoods were "locked down" (that I could see on TV.) I saw people coming and going in their cars, on their bikes, and on foot. Police were just keeping them clear of areas where an active search was in progress, or where the dog was running.

There were no police running around without clear identification. Yes, some were dressed in black. Oh my! Black! Run for the hills! I'm sure they all had orders to scoop up any guns they saw laying around if they were peeking in any windows or contacting any homeowners.

Could we tone the paranoia down just two notches please?

“The whole of the Bill (of Rights) is a declaration of the right of the people at large or considered as individuals. ... It establishes some rights of the individual as unalienable and which consequently, no majority has a right to deprive them of.” -Alexander Addison, 1789
If someone had just shot people down the road from me I would hope they would search house to house. I doubt anyone in that situation would refuse.
PEOPLE DIED HERE it is not some game, let the police do their damn job.
The police aren't the bad guys here.
Lets say your relatives lived there - would you want the police not to search house to house ?
Mrs. sbryce here. My mother lives in a Seattle surburb. My brother attended the UW. This hits close to home. My husband lived on Queen Anne hill long ago.

A lot of points made on this thread sound good. Even some that contradict each other. Let the police do their job. It's too bad we're having to be so concerned about losing our rights at the same time. Makes for a tougher call.

But I know my mother is not armed, and in *her* case, I'd want the police to be knocking at her door, 'cause I know she couldn't do much against a BG. She's been watching our interest and education regarding guns grow; I've been wanting to encourage her to arm herself, maybe this'll be a springboard for me?
I would have to say that I would rather deal with a single armed perp than my local police officers. With a perp, the threat is obvious and can be terminated. Police is an unknown and I cannot be sure if they are after me or someone else...and they have advantage of numbers and equipment.
Ask yourself, if the cops want to look through your home with the excuse of looking for a criminal, would you let them? Perchance they won't find the perp, even if there ever was one...but what else would they find that they might want to keep or use against me?
The most cooperation I am willing to extentd to anyone desiring entry against my will is politely refusing to let them in. Most likely, they have no ill intent, but I cannot be sure or even too hopeful of that. If they claim that my place is harboring an intruder and I am already there, I don't see how I could have missed one. In case of my parents...that's why they have received certain S&W gifts from me.
I just checked out a couple of news sites to get the real story. Now, we all know how reliable the news media is...

The "lockdown" was a lockdown of the elementary and middle schools in the area to prevent kids from wandering around outside. They all went home when school was over. The "house to house search" was police officers walking through neighborhoods looking behind shrubs, under porches and other possible hiding places. As far as the cops and their big scary guns, if I was walking around the area just after a shooting, I'd want to carry a big gun too! I don't have any problem with the police carrying them.

If the media is covering this story accurately, the police aren't doing anything unreasonable.
"CIA mind control, Operation Paperclip,A- bombs, Werner Von Braun, etc, etc, etc" - What's up with this kind of talk on a post about a double murder suspect? It's good to see that rational heads prevailed later on.

How else can you contain a mobile, unidentified, armed murder suspect without setting up some sort of containment? If no perimeter was set up and your loved one walked into the path of the gunman and was killed as a result, you'd be the first in line to sue the police for failing to protect.

Have you forgotten that a K-9 track from the crime scene to a residence, motor home, vehicle, etc is sufficient probable cause that when combined with exigent circumstances allows for a protective sweep to search/apprehend a dangerous fleeing suspect?

An otherwise "friendly, local peace officer" suddenly becomes an agent of the federal government bent on "mind control of the masses" just because he is trained in tactics for handling high risk assignments? Wow!

El Cid '89

[This message has been edited by CAK (edited November 04, 1999).]

The issue is we have fewer guns and less access to them than we did thirty-five years ago yet today and in the last four years more specifically, we have had a rash of public execution-style shootings.

I firmly believe the reason for this is the fact that our society is collapsing from within due to the total lack of morals and the exclusion of God Almighty. Additonally, the deluge of violent programing on the big screen and via the TV adds fuel to the fire.

Mind control technology is alive and well in our Psy-Ops arsenal. While I think the chances of it being used in country are slim to none, it does deserve mention. After all, it could get into the wrong hands.

The bottom line is we as gun owners will be part of the solution or part of the problem. If this keeps happening, they will be coming for our weapons make no mistake about it. We may not like it and it may not be fair but then there is the way things should be and there is the way they are. I still can't help myself when these shootings occur. I think back to the Reichstag Fire in Germany in the 30's or the Gulf of Tonkin Incident in the late 60's. Our government as well as other governments have synthesized events for means justification in the past.

We are led by a group of people now who will do anything to advance their agenda. They will not accept any court verdict that runs contrary to their philosphies. They plundered 100 FBI files with no recourse. G.Gordon Liddy did five years of hard time for looking at one without legal authorization. We know now that there were military observers from the U.S. and Europe on the scene at Waco. We know now that a Judge has ordered the FBI to render over documents or face contempt charges over the Waco fiasco. We have an Attorney General that is mentally unfit to perform her duties yet nothing is being said about it. We have all but signed confessions that influence and access was granted to a communist country in exchange for caimpaign funds and nothing will be done about it. We have 13 major cities that are now targeted by Nuclear weapons as a result of this injustice and no one is concerned.

Do I think something is out of whack when it comes to these shootings. You better believe it. The deed is done. There is massive media anti-gun hysteria and then the perpetrator or perpetrators dislove into anonymity. The media, clearly in control by Capital Hill, never puts the psyche,mindset and background of the shooter under the microscope. Instead they launch another relentless attack against the law-abiding. All the while, the present administration does nothing to prosecute the laws on the books. Call me a kook, I will wear the badge with pride.

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."

[This message has been edited by Will Beararms (edited November 04, 1999).]
Well said, Will Beararms! Today ,as far as i am concerned,being called a kook or patriot is something we few can look on with pride. The masses are just dumbed down when it comes to the machinations of OUR government for the last at least 50 years. And now the ultimate with a criminal President ,criminal attorney general and criminal actions by Us military against civilians. We citizens are nothing but sheep to be experimented on or worse by this central regime in DC. And I just cant understand people who fail to see the pure evil emiting from our own government. For a vague promise of security , the masses will go into servitude very easily. Yeh, go ahead and search every house in Seattle looking for one nut. and while you ar e there,coppers, seize anything you want from the cowering masses. Eventually it will come down to that.