Shooting highpower at National Matches


New member
Is there anybody that has done this?

I am looking to shoot this year and it will be my first time. Just kind of wondering what to expect. I've been to a CMP clinic that more or less ran us through scoring targets, positions, safety procedures, firing, etc. Learned a great deal and I know actually competing out there I will learn a great deal more. Just trying to gain as much knowledge as possible before I get there.
Can you go to one or two smaller matches between now and nationals? At least enough to get used to things, figure out equipment issues and such. That and find an experienced and helpful shooter to squad with.
Best advice I or anyone else can give you is to sign up for the Small Arms Firing School.

You'll learn a lot.
Unfortunately with my work schedule if there are any matches between now and then I am not able to get to them. I am able to get out to my local range every few days to practice though. I have done matches at my local clubs, unfortunately none of them ever really seemed to follow any strict sort of guidelines or structure

Its a bunch of minor questions I have and during the clinic did not think to ask about. I learned a LOT about procedures when firing, how the new scoring system works, weapon adjustments, etc and am confident in that area.

Who handles scorekeeping duties?
Do you have to work the target pits if you shoot?

At the clinic I attended there were 4 relays, 1 & 2 shot first, so 3 & 4 worked the pits. Relay 1 shot, relay 2 handled scorekeeping and vice versa.

Do they have approximate times that you would shoot? Are they able to give you a ballpark idea like you may not even need to arrive out there til say after noon? Or is it show up early and you'll shoot eventually?
Who handles scorekeeping duties?

Assuming you are right handed, your score keeper should sit about 2 ft off of your right shoulder (during prone segments). You and him need to be able to communicate; so you agree on each shot scored, and the number of rounds fired.

Do you have to work the target pits if you shoot? Yes

Or is it show up early and you'll shoot eventually?
Show up on time, and you will start doing something asap: scoring, shooting, butts.

Are you the kind of guy that shows up to a BBQ just as the food is being served, and then splitting as soon as you are done eating? Everybody has to do their part to make a HP match successful. Including all the prep before, and cleanup work afterwards.

Now if you live near CMP south, when their new range is up and running, there will be no scorekeepers and not pullers - all electronic. Then you may have idle time for a nap.
I tried the CMP course at Camp Perry this last week and now have the bug. I'm not sure where you are in NW Ohio. I know the club I belong to, the Erie County Conservation League, shoots high power on Saturday mornings. I have not competed before, but will probably try it now. I believe it is open to non members.
I did shoot at Perry this year, did the NTI....learned ALOT of things, procedures. Recently shot a 80 round NRA match as well and learned even more. Did not score as well as I would have liked, and honestly who ever does, but I have kept track of every shot I have fired since I said I wanted to do this and there is definite improvement. Once the insanity at work dies down I am really hoping to get a match or 2 in before winter. I shoot at 2 different clubs, Elmore Conservation and Sandusky County Sportsman club.
Hi Cryo. Great. I have found every year I go to Perry that I learn something. I have shot Perry every year since 1988, except for 2007-11 due to accident injuries and rehabilitation. I can no longer shoot across the course due to the physical disabilities resulting from the accident. This year, while shooting long range that I can no longer shoot with a sling, so F class is my only recourse. You will find a great crew of shooters out there, that are always helpful to new shooters.
I am all about learning as much as I can. Even if its little things about marking the back of your brass with a magic marker to find yours easier or somebody sharing a tidbit about which brand of pasters stick the best on targets. So far everyone I have met has been really great and I don't see that changing.
Be sure to share what you have learned with anyone you meet who might be interested in shooting High Power ,particularly juniors.
There is an old adage that if you help a new shooter the favor returns when you least expect it. "When you fire a shot that you know is really bad and it ends up in the X ring it's because you helped a fellow shooter."