Shooting groups


I have a Winchester M94 30-30 Trapper with a 16" barrel.
I am trying to zero a Redfield 2-7 x 33 scope with Federal Classic SP FN
amo, and was not satisfied with the results at 100 meters.
Should I try other amo to get a 2" group?
There are LOTS of 30-30 lever-actions (both Marlin 336 and Win '94) that will never see a 2" group with any ammo.
You can try all sorts of thing but I'll toss my hat in with the previous 2 posters. Some lever guns shoot great outta the box, had a '94 trapper that would shoot 1.25" groups WITH RELOADS. On the other hand some just won't shoot nearly that good without substantial work, had another '94 that fit in that group too.

I wouldn't give up on it and I'd try every ammo you can get your hands on but you're gonna be hard pressed to find factory fodder that will shoot 2".

I would wrap a lever action around a post of it wouldn't group any closer than 4" for five shots at 100 yards. I've had lots of Winchesters and Marlins that got under 2" consistently. Use a good solid rest, try some other ammo and don't forget to check your sighting equipment for looseness. I'd also check the crown of that muzzle for dings or burrs. Don't be bashful about trying another scope either, unless that particular scope has proven itself on another rifle.

Just FWIW my Winchesters have routinely preferred 150 grain Power Points by the same maker.

The scope is brand new. I don't expect any trouble with it; I was told not to.
It's a Redfield Revolution 2-7 x 33, and it's the rhird one I am trying.
I have a Krico and it is factory tested for 1.2" groups at 100 meters.
Is there a figure for the Winchester?
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Some typical 94 Winchester, iron-sight stuff... keep in mind that some days I just shoot better than others.

Zeroing my son's old post 64


10 rounds at 100 yards from my old pre 64, from a poor improvised rest and with ammo it don't particularly like. (150 grain Federal) Not exemplary work on my part, either though.

Thanks for the replies,
I hope it won't be a scope issue, I think I should go back to the range and try by firing a couple of boxes amo more carefully.
I had big windage gaps, elevation was fine. The rifle rest was a simple one made it myself of timber and I used it for the first time. My first attempt was from the hood of the car although I am better from the car window.
I'll be careful and will go for 4" groups which is all I want.
I'll be back to tell.
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I'm curious about the barrel temp; how long do you wait between shots? I find my '94's do just fine for about three shots, then I need to let it cool down. I like your scope choice, it is the one I've chosen for my latest Marlin. I'd expect using good technique, rest, loads and sights you should see 3" groups without too much drama. I don't expect much more from a levergun but I don't spend the time developing a load for them that I do a bolt or single-shot rifle. I have leverguns that shoot better than most bolt guns, I just don't sweat it if a '94 isn't a tackdriver.
Sarge, don't wrap that lever gun
around a post, give it to me
and I"ll pay shipping.
For God's sake 4" or 1.5"
at 100 yds, whatever you're
shooting at ain't gonna know the difference:rolleyes:

ps: if you're trying to make a 200yd rifle
out of a woods gun,good luck:)
Actually the pre 64 is just as accurate (if not more) than the newer gun. What you're seeing is just the difference in ranges, targets, lighting, accurate vs so-so ammo and 3 vs 10 shot groups. And of course, the nut on the trigger. All these things can influence our opinion of whether a particular rifle and load are accurate; but using one or two range efforts as the yardstick of accuracy doesn't really tell us much.

200 yards with a lever action? Why, that's just crazy!
With a two piece stock, the front handguard, magazine tube, and barrel band, all hanging off your barrel, a two inch group will be a statistical abnomaly.

If it shoots within 3 inches be happy. My Marlin 336 will hold four inches at 100 yards.

These are not bolt guns, they are not match rifles.
Another try

I gave it another try. In vain: the same bad results. It seems it's not the nut on the trigger; results were better with the first three shots, then the group got larger - around 7". I tried with different ammo, but all of it was older than 16 years. I am testing with fresh ammo next week and if it works I'll use the old one for fast shooting at cans at 50 meters.
Did anyone had experience with older ammo and accuracy.
I don't think anyone has kept cartridges for so long.
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Sarge, 200 yds with a lever isn't crazy, but those
that can do such a thing are "shooters"
with intimate knowledge of their rifles and
great eyesight and control ,not the one box a year hunter.
I have had some 94s come through the shop that were real shooters. One shot under 1" with a IMR 3031 and a 170 bullet. the 170 have about the same impact as a 150 coming out of the 30-30. but I have found the 170 will give a little better edge than the 150.
30-30 do foul up in the barrel with copper! The copper they use on 30-30 is a soft gliding S-2 type, where the fast 3000 fps bullets use am S4 type copper, much harder. The S2 is used to give the 30-30 good bullet expansion at lower speeds. Round nose bullets are sometime the cause for poor accuracy.
and like others have said the 94 lever is sorta like an M-14 with a lot of stuff hanging on the end of the rifle.
I knew one guy who took the fore end stock off of the rifle and it make a big difference. Some will shoot with a full tube and some want to loaded one at a time.
It's like a woman is fun to see what makes them chirp and growl. GOOD LUCK and just play with it, it's half the fun.

IMR 30-31

I bought a jar of IMR 3031 powder to reload my remaining ammo.
I've read in a table to start with 26.5 Grains and go up but not to more than 35.5 Grains with 150 Grain bullets. Which is rather difficult; the firing rang is far away, most of the times it's crowded and fees are high.
I will consult the reloaders if I can load all with 31 Grains and expect good results - 4" groups at 100 meters.