Shooting Golf Balls


New member
My buddy and I shoot each week at 300 yards at our range in the FLorida Panhandle. Just for the heck of it, last Thursday I glued two golf balls to tees and put one on top of each target holder.

At the end of the session we went for them. My buddy shot first and missed with his last seven rounds. My turn. I shot twice and missed but then on my third shot I got mine. It went flying. I then aimed at his and, BAM, it went flying.

Two in a row. I bet I couldn' do that again!

My buddy was shooting 300 Win Mag with a 208 grain Amax scoped with a Shepard 18X. I was shooting my 1952 (beautiful) Model 70 in 270 with a 150 grain SST scoped with a Nikon 4x12x40BDC.

Strange, though. I would have thought the balls would have been destroyed but when we got down there and I picked them up, each one had a 3/4 inch round hole in them about an inch deep. Whatever they put in them must be hard as hell.
I do like the SST bullet.
as for the balls, they are designed to be pounded on.:)
Q. Where did you get the idea to shoot a golf ball?
We used to shoot golf balls all the time - sometimes with .22s, sometimes with handguns, now and again with high-powered rifles.

They are designed to compress under stress and spring back, similar to a baseball or football which is why they go flying when hit. Lots of fun.

For even cheaper fun, get small balloons and make them about the size of a golf or baseball and let them hang and flutter in the breeze and try to hit them
before i had high blood pressure, high blood sugar, or shake like a leaf i could hit them off hand with a 22 pump....thanks for reminding me, lol. bobn
WE'VE been shooting golf balls for decades. It IS the only reasonable use I've ever seen for the damn things. WHAT in the world could you ever do with 'em otherwise ??
My wife has always declined my standing generous offer to accompany her to the golf course. Something about wanting to shoot the golf balls. :rolleyes:
Do an internet search for Hunter S. Thompson and shotgun golf. There is a video on Youtube where John Cusack talks about playing shotgun golf with Thomson.
Shooting golf balls is so fun. It's really fun to race who you are shooting with. See who can get the most shots on theirs before they can't find it anymore. Or see who can get theirs downrange the fastest. Almost as much fun as aerosol cans.

I mainly just shoot em with my Savage .22.
golf balls

i was shooting golf balls with my 45 several years ago. about 40 ft away and only hit one out of several shots but that ball disappeared. we hunted for an hour or so never did find it. didnt see it leave i fired and it was just gone.:eek:
We take those little hooks that go under your kitchen cabinets and are used to hang coffee cups on and put them in the golf ball. Add a little string and then hand them on the targets posts.

We started doing this years ago when my brother was bragging about how he castrated a mosquito while shooting. Someone decided he needed bigger "balls" to shoot at.
The plastic covering on golf balls is not biodegradable. Consider shooting eggs instead. They are 100% biodegradable, cheaper, more spectacular when hit.
That video was hilarious!

I brought the balls home to show the wife and as a constant reminder to my shooting buddy...heh, heh.
It is a little harder to tape a golf ball to your fridge door than a paper target. It also hurts more if it falls off and hits the top of your foot in the middle of the night.
Golf balls are fun. Gillett foamy shaving creme canisters are great as well.

Historical note. The south African Boers used to have weekly shooting competitions after church. Their warm up targets were eggs at 150 yards. This was done with their open sight mausers.