Shooting Eggs...


New member
I looked through the 'fun things to shoot' thread, and was unable to find anything about shooting eggs. So, I will volunteer to be the guinea pig on this one:D . Some friends and I were trying to come up with something fun/ cheap/ reactive to shoot, and I thought eggs would be just the ticket. We are gonna try raw, soft boiled, and hard boiled, and see what gives the coolest result when hit with a .223, .308, or whatever else someone brings. I ve got my money on the soft boiled! At $4 per 60 eggs it ought to be quite a fun 'research' project!
I'll post results soon!
My friend and I took about 60 eggs out to the range to try this out, and I was pretty pleased with the results. It has rained A LOT here lately and the berm was pretty much a wall of mud, which held the eggs quite nicely. We were on a 100yrd range, so the berm of course is about 120-130 yards from the firing line. After we got the eggs set up, we returned to our rifles to begin the fun. I was shooting my Savage Tactical 223 with 3-10x50 Leupold, friend was shooting Remington 700 Varmint? 308 with Leupold. THe eggs proved to be small enough to be somewhat challenging, and were explosive enough to leave no doubts when you hit them. They also did not leave anything to clean up which was also nice! As far as raw vs. boiled, they worked out about the same. All in all it only cost 5.00 plus ammo for a couple of hours of serious fun!
"...what gives the coolest result..." Depends on what you hit it with.
Try a 48 ounce can of tomato juice with a 12 guage slug at about 5 yards. Yep, I have. Did a demo for my Cadets long ago. All I saw was the lid going up 50 plus feet and disappearing over the back stop on a CF range.
5 dozen eggs would cost a fortune up here.
moth balls

I used to shoot moth balls at 15 yards with my Browning Buckmark, 22 caliber. They turn to dust when hit.
sounds interesting enough

Eggs here are a bit more spendy at $ 3.99 for 18. So I'll probably not try this.

However, our Navy Seals like to use golf balls on top od beer bottles. Maybe the'll like this idea.

As far as the smell. I'll bet the range critters love it.
I would be willing to bet the best eggs would be rotten ones where the gases inside have begun to build up. I remember as a kid one of our chickens had sat on unfetile eggs for 21+ days and when we through them into the woods they popped and smelled to high heaven.
Try shooting helium ballons at a distance dancing in the wind. Use two different colored baloons tied off to the same spot and declare one a bad guy and the other a hostage and take the shot w/o hurting the hostage.
Or tether the balloons to an R/C car with enough string to avoid possibly damaging the car and have someone drive back and forth, starting and stopping.
But for indoor fun we used to put expired Tylenol caplets in my now defunked arrow catcher (the foam kind) and pop em' at 10 yrds w/ pellet guns.
Eggs present no real challenge for a good varmint or target rifle (approx 2 MOA in size), and they make a mess of everything. Why not try shooting grapes (approx 1/2 MOA size)? It's a lot more challenging.
At my club, there is an anual egg shoot where the benchrest guys shoot eggs at 300 yards. It looks fun, but my hands arent quite steady enough for that :D
When my sons were very young what they liked shooting the best was animal crackers/cookies.

At short ranges (airgun ranges) we would shoot aspirin or vitamins.

Regular "saltine" crackers were great at much longer ranges.

All are VERY cheap and require no cleanup although you never know what the aspirin and vitimins would do if injested by animals.

A buddy and I once set up a dozen cans of Buckhorn beer out there at two to three hundred yards and proceeded to have great fun with a M700 .223. Yes, we picked up the cans (what was left of 'em).:D
You think this is FUN?

So, you think it's FUN to shoot at us? Well, alright then, If'n ya insist I'll meet ya outside in 5 minutes and we will see who has fun mister!
Leftover Easter eggs

"This is how we dispose of left over dyed Easter Eggs "

We did this Sunday afternoon. ....... the kids (extended family) dyed 6 dozen eggs last week. Sunday, we shot 5 dozen, with everything from .22s to a .270.

Target effects of direct hits:

.22- breaks eggs apart
9mm/.38- egg salad
.357- egg puree'
.270 WIN eggnog
Went pheasant hunting in a lettuce field years backin the central valley California, where we took a break and did a little target practice with a 12 gauge.
We gave a new to a tossed salad.:rolleyes:
Fruits and vegetables is the only way to go!:cool:
try putting the eggs in viniger for a day or so. it takes off the shell and leaves just the iner membrain and it bounces and kinda squishy try hiting one of those with a high powerd rifle. a 22 pretty much liquifys them!!! :D
Around hollowen time well after me and my friends take small to medium size gourds not the pumpkins but them smaller roundish things that are like pumkins hit one of them at 50 yards with a 22-250 liquifies them nothin left at 100 yards they are still liquified but not compleatly:D
Another good boom is that if you have a asediline torch. take a 2 litter bottle with a cap and fill it with the asediline gas. then screw on the cap and set it with in range and shot it with a 22 anything bigger all u will her is the gun!! ((it some times doesn't go on the first shot so shoot it a few more times but it still might not work but don't worry one will!! just keep trying:))), and a real basic one is take a bottle fill it with vinger not all the way LESS then half full. then take a small sheet of saran wrap and put baking soda on the saran wrap. grab the corners and put them together and make a torpedo shape at the end with the baking soda. now put the rounded end into the bottle(end with bakingsoda). this is probably the hardest part but it all depends on how much baking soda u used. once in have the corners set on the threads of the bottle neck and screw the top on. now go out side and shake it up!! pressure should start to build. you can either shot it with a 22 and blow it apart and have a good boom or throw it into the air and have it come back down and go boom(!!!!doesn't always happen the first time you throw it needs hard surface to work!!!) or if it or you it the top and bust it this makes for a great rocket that goes for at 100 yards or so.:eek: :D Have fun