Shooting ear protection


New member
I very cleverly walked off the range and left my ear muffs hanging next to the gunrack--since they are now long gone I'm in the market for a new pair--what suggestions would you all have for a decent set of muffs, say $30 to $75 dollar range and where do I get them? I realize that the better brands with the higher ratings afford better protection, but I'm hoping that I don't have to pay way too much for at least half way decent protection----John
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For general shooting, I use a pair of electronic muffs I got at Gander Mountain for around $29. They work surprisingly well. For loud guns, Glock and Encore mainly, I wear foam plugs underneath.
I have a pair of winchester's low profile from walmart and also a pair of winchester plugs. They both work great.
muffs were like 13.00 and the plugs were 2.37
The Peltor Bullseye Ultimate 10 is my favorite and run $25, give a take a few bucks. You can get them at Amazon, Cabela's, Midway, everywhere. 29 db rating and very comfortable.

At least as good are the Howard Leight muffs rated 31 db.
Thanks guys, just the info I was hoping for---might be fun to get back up to Bass Pro and see what they carry, but more than likely I'll just get over to walmart---good to know that a decent pair of muffs needn't cost a lot---I just can't get those foam things to fit into my ears very well---just bought a new Vanguard in 22-250 and you all know how rowdy a 22-250 is, it's not a quiet round.
I guess I'll have to get one of those cords to wear around my neck with the muffs hanging from it like the secretaries have for their glasses---