shooting Distance?


New member
The state I live in allows diiferent counties to regulate minimum shooting distances. I am talking about how far you have to be from occupied dwellings to legally discharge a weapon.

The county I live has set 500 feet for archery and shotguns, 5000 feet for handguns and rifles. The county north of here has minimum of 5000 feet for any weapon firing. Now the county east of here has the curious one of all.

I went hunting there yesterday. Prior to going I decided to find out what the laws there have to say regarding this. I went to the county's website and found their gun laws. t stated guns have to be fired a safe distance from occupied residences, but I couldn't find any specific distances. So I called their sheriff's office.

I was told that their ordnances do not specify shooting distances, it is based on a judgement by the deputy that responds to a call of someone shooting near homes. I am not sure I like this.

What do you guys think?

What are the shooting distance laws in your neck of the woods?
In NH, it is unlawful to discharge a firearm within 300 feet of an occupied dwelling. It is also unlawful to discharge a firearm on or across a public highway, it is not specified how far away you have to be.

I don't think it is particularly odd that there is no distance specified in your case.
note that in many states, the legal minimum distance only applies to property that you do not own.

And while it might have happened somewhere, sometime, I've never heard of anyone being prosecuted for shooting within the minimum distance of property they did not own, if they had the owner's permission.
In Maine I've noticed over the years that the 100 yard rule is generally prosecuted in relation to other violations. Most often when pets or livestock are shot, or occasionally people.
5000' is almost 1 mile. That would effectively eliminate hunting in a lot of places. The distance here in GA is 50 yards from a road. As near as I can tell no minimum distance from a building.
"So, no one here thinks that not having specified, legal shooting distances seems odd?"

I find it odd that you can not specify what state you are in. Are you ashamed of it??

I would have to look up the state ordinances for FLORIDA. But then, so can you.